
Line 2,540: Line 2,540:  
<i>W <b>W <db di>dW
<i>W <b>W <db di>dW
<i>W <i>W <>dW
<i>W <i>W <>dW
Table 57.1  Mnemonic Lateral Codes for Interpreters A & B
Element Vector Conjunct Term Code
A 10X A (B) <A>X
B 01X (A) B <B>X
"A" 1000Y a (b)(i)(u) <a>Y
"B" 0100Y (a) b (i)(u) <b>Y
"i" 0010Y (a)(b) i (u) <i>Y
"u" 0001Y (a)(b)(i) u <u>Y
Table 57.2  Pragmatic Lateral Codes for Interpreters A & B
Element Vector Conjunct Term Code
A 10X o1 (o2) <o1>X
B 01X (o1) o2 <o2>X
"A" 1000Y s1 (s2)(s3)(s4) <s1>Y
"B" 0100Y (s1) s2 (s3)(s4) <s2>Y
"i" 0010Y (s1)(s2) s3 (s4) <s3>Y
"u" 0001Y (s1)(s2)(s3) s4 <s4>Y
Table 57.3  Abstract Lateral Codes for Interpreters A & B
Element Vector Conjunct Term Code
A 10X x1 (x2) <x1>X
B 01X (x1) x2 <x2>X
"A" 1000Y y1 (y2)(y3)(y4) <y1>Y
"B" 0100Y (y1) y2 (y3)(y4) <y2>Y
"i" 0010Y (y1)(y2) y3 (y4) <y3>Y
"u" 0001Y (y1)(y2)(y3) y4 <y4>Y
Table 58.1  LIR2 (A):  Lateral Representation of A
Object Sign Interpretant
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) a (b)(i)(u)
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) (a)(b) i (u)
A (B) (a)(b) i (u) a (b)(i)(u)
A (B) (a)(b) i (u) (a)(b) i (u)
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) (a) b (i)(u)
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) (a)(b)(i) u
(A) B (a)(b)(i) u (a) b (i)(u)
(A) B (a)(b)(i) u (a)(b)(i) u
Table 58.2  LIR2 (Den A):  Denotative Component of A
Object Sign Transition
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) <<a>Y, <A>X>
A (B) (a)(b) i (u) <<i>Y, <A>X>
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) <<b>Y, <B>X>
(A) B (a)(b)(i) u <<u>Y, <B>X>
Table 58.3  LIR2 (Con A):  Connotative Component of A
Sign Interpretant Transition
a (b)(i)(u) a (b)(i)(u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
a (b)(i)(u) (a)(b) i (u) da (db) di (du)
(a)(b) i (u) a (b)(i)(u) da (db) di (du)
(a)(b) i (u) (a)(b) i (u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
(a) b (i)(u) (a) b (i)(u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
(a) b (i)(u) (a)(b)(i) u (da) db (di) du
(a)(b)(i) u (a) b (i)(u) (da) db (di) du
(a)(b)(i) u (a)(b)(i) u (da)(db)(di)(du)
Table 59.1  LIR2 (B):  Lateral Representation of B
Object Sign Interpretant
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) a (b)(i)(u)
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) (a)(b)(i) u
A (B) (a)(b)(i) u a (b)(i)(u)
A (B) (a)(b)(i) u (a)(b)(i) u
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) (a) b (i)(u)
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) (a)(b) i (u)
(A) B (a)(b) i (u) (a) b (i)(u)
(A) B (a)(b) i (u) (a)(b) i (u)
Table 59.2  LIR2 (Den B):  Denotative Component of B
Object Sign Transition
A (B) a (b)(i)(u) <<a>Y, <A>X>
A (B) (a)(b)(i) u <<u>Y, <A>X>
(A) B (a) b (i)(u) <<b>Y, <B>X>
(A) B (a)(b) i (u) <<i>Y, <B>X>
Table 59.3  LIR2 (Con B):  Connotative Component of B
Sign Interpretant Transition
a (b)(i)(u) a (b)(i)(u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
a (b)(i)(u) (a)(b)(i) u da (db)(di) du
(a)(b)(i) u a (b)(i)(u) da (db)(di) du
(a)(b)(i) u (a)(b)(i) u (da)(db)(di)(du)
(a) b (i)(u) (a) b (i)(u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
(a) b (i)(u) (a)(b) i (u) (da) db  di (du)
(a)(b) i (u) (a) b (i)(u) (da) db  di (du)
(a)(b) i (u) (a)(b) i (u) (da)(db)(di)(du)
Table 60.1  LIR3 (A):  Lateral Representation of A
Object Sign Interpretant
<A>X <a>Y <a>Y
<A>X <a>Y <i>Y
<A>X <i>Y <a>Y
<A>X <i>Y <i>Y
<B>X <b>Y <b>Y
<B>X <b>Y <u>Y
<B>X <u>Y <b>Y
<B>X <u>Y <u>Y
Table 60.2  LIR3 (Den A):  Denotative Component of A
Object Sign Transition
<A>X <a>Y <<a>Y, <A>X>
<A>X <i>Y <<i>Y, <A>X>
<B>X <b>Y <<b>Y, <B>X>
<B>X <u>Y <<u>Y, <B>X>
Table 60.3  LIR3 (Con A):  Connotative Component of A
Sign Interpretant Transition
<a>Y <a>Y <>dY
<a>Y <i>Y <da di>dY
<i>Y <a>Y <da di>dY
<i>Y <i>Y <>dY
<b>Y <b>Y <>dY
<b>Y <u>Y <db du>dY
<u>Y <b>Y <db du>dY
<u>Y <u>Y <>dY
Table 61.1  LIR3 (B):  Lateral Representation of B
Object Sign Interpretant
<A>X <a>Y <a>Y
<A>X <a>Y <u>Y
<A>X <u>Y <a>Y
<A>X <u>Y <u>Y
<B>X <b>Y <b>Y
<B>X <b>Y <i>Y
<B>X <i>Y <b>Y
<B>X <i>Y <i>Y
Table 61.2  LIR3 (Den B):  Denotative Component of B
Object Sign Transition
<A>X <a>Y <<a>Y, <A>X>
<A>X <u>Y <<u>Y, <A>X>
<B>X <b>Y <<b>Y, <B>X>
<B>X <i>Y <<i>Y, <B>X>
Table 61.3  LIR3 (Con B):  Connotative Component of B
Sign Interpretant Transition
<a>Y <a>Y <>dY
<a>Y <u>Y <da du>dY
<u>Y <a>Y <da du>dY
<u>Y <u>Y <>dY
<b>Y <b>Y <>dY
<b>Y <i>Y <db di>dY
<i>Y <b>Y <db di>dY
<i>Y <i>Y <>dY
