It is best to begin the work of bridge building on informal grounds, using concrete examples of ERs and IRs and taking advantage of basic ideas about their relationship that are readily available to every reader. After the overall scheme of construction is roughed out in this fashion, I plan to revisit the concept of representation in a more formal style, examining the balance of its in and ex "tensions" with a sharper eye to the relevant details and a greater chance of compassing the depths of form that arise between the two points of view. | It is best to begin the work of bridge building on informal grounds, using concrete examples of ERs and IRs and taking advantage of basic ideas about their relationship that are readily available to every reader. After the overall scheme of construction is roughed out in this fashion, I plan to revisit the concept of representation in a more formal style, examining the balance of its in and ex "tensions" with a sharper eye to the relevant details and a greater chance of compassing the depths of form that arise between the two points of view. |