
797 bytes added ,  02:45, 29 June 2011
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Comment 4
When democracie­s run into problems,
They solve them by democratic means,
Or else they cease to be democracie­s.
We either believe in democracy or we don't. That belief may be a kind of faith, but it is based on reason not fantasy. If you believe in democracy then you deal with the problems of society by working within the framework of democratic principles.
If you believe in democracy then you don't go jumping on the first excuse to toss democracy aside. That is one of the first resorts of all dictatorships to get their feet in the door, because there are always lots of problems to serve as convenient excuses for martial law. And if there aren't enough troubles to throw the People into a state of crisis, then it's the easiest thing in the world to create a bunch more.
