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* "Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced labor, murdered, or later ransomed by West Germany. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on death marches towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 '''ethnic Italians''' fled to [[Italy]] in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)"</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. (p 137)</ref><ref>[ A Tragedy Revealed''] The Story of the Italian Population of Istria & Dalmatia by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. (p81)</ref> Some say that bones of many are still in one of the caves of Levrnaka in Kornati, many managed to escape and leave their beloved city for good, some stayed and formed a small Italian community. Among those who went from their homes were Ottavio Missoni (fashion designer born in Dubrovnik)''. <ref>{{cite web|url=| title=Zadar – The postcards from the past|date=[[2010]]|accessdate=2010-11-25}}</ref>}}
* "Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced labor, murdered, or later ransomed by West Germany. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on death marches towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 '''ethnic Italians''' fled to [[Italy]] in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)"</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. (p 137)</ref><ref>[ A Tragedy Revealed''] The Story of the Italian Population of Istria & Dalmatia by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. (p81)</ref> Some say that bones of many are still in one of the caves of Levrnaka in Kornati, many managed to escape and leave their beloved city for good, some stayed and formed a small Italian community. Among those who went from their homes were Ottavio Missoni (fashion designer born in Dubrovnik)''. <ref>{{cite web|url=| title=Zadar – The postcards from the past|date=[[2010]]|accessdate=2010-11-25}}</ref>}}
== Former Yugoslavia and the History of Dalmatia==
The region of the former Yugoslavia-West Balkans has problems with interpreting multicultural, ''multiethnic'' history and societies. The statement below comes from a book called ''Dalmatia'' (History, Culture, Art Heritage) written by Antun Travirka.
{{Cquote|''By the 14th century the city had become wholly Croatian'' <ref>Dalmatia (History, Culture, Art Heritage) by Antun Travirka (p137)</ref>}}
The book itself is primarily for the tourist market and is easily available in several languages. This quote is on page 137 and it’s referring to the ''Republic of Ragusa''. The old Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) <ref>{{citeweb|url=|title="Dubrovnik." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2011. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. |date=[[2011]]|accessdate=2011-03-8}}
* '''Encyclopædia Britannica''': "The city was founded about 614 as Rausa, or Ragusium, by Roman refugees fleeing the Slav and Avar sack of Epidaurus, just to the southeast. A colony of Slavs soon joined the Romans there, and from an early date the city formed a link between two great civilizations. After the fall of Rome, Dubrovnik was ruled by the Byzantine Empire. From the 9th to the 12th century Dubrovnik defended itself against foreign powers, and in the period 1205 to 1358 it acknowledged Venetian suzerainty, though it retained much of its independence."</ref><ref>{{citeweb|url=|title="Croatia." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2011. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.|date=[[2011]]|accessdate=2011-03-8}}
* '''Encyclopædia Britannica''': "Ragusa and the Croat Renaissance in Dalmatia: The Adriatic port of Ragusa had been founded by Latinized colonists, but by the 14th century it had been largely Slavicized and had acquired its alternate name of Dubrovnik."</ref><ref>[,_Austria Encyclopaedia Britannica (publ. 1911):]
*"'''RAGUSA''' (Serbo-Croatian Dubrovnik), an episcopal city, and the centre of an administrative district in Dalmatia, [[Austria]]. Pop. (1900) of town and commune, 13,174,13,174, including a garrison of 1122. Its situation and its undisturbed atmosphere of antiquity combine to make Ragusa by far the most picturesque city on the Dalmatian coast. "
*"The city first became prominent during the 7th century. In 639 and 656 the flourishing Latin communities of Salona and Epidaurum were destroyed by the Avars, and the island rock of Ragusa was colonized by the survivors. Tradition identifies Epidaurum, whence the majority came, with the neighbouring village of Ragusavecchia; but some historians, including Gelcich, place it on the shores of the Bocche di Cattaro. Both sites show signs of Roman occupation. A colony of Slavs soon joined the Latin settlers at Ragusa, and thus, from an early date, the city formed a link between two great civilizations (see Vlachs). In the 9th century it is said to have repulsed the Saracens; in the 10th it defended itself against the '''Narentine pirates''', and Simeon, Tsar of the Bulgarians."</ref> is now within the borders of the modern Croatia. This monolithic description is an outright lie and it’s a form of cultural genocide (the crucial word is '''''wholly''''').  Additionally the book did not even use the term Republic of Ragusa (the closest that it got to this was ''RESPUBLICA RAGUSINA'' on page 141),<ref>Dalmatia (History, Culture, Art Heritage) by Antun Travirka (p141)</ref> which was used for more than a millennium. The peoples of Ragusa were a nation in their own right; the Republic was also made up of many ethnic nationalities.<ref>[ Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean World after 1492] By Alisa Meyuhas Ginio (p190)
* "This was the start of the '''Ragusan Jewish''' community. There had been some Jews in Ragusa ... their continuous presence in the Republic of Ragusa where they played an important role in its economic, cultural and social life. ..."</ref><ref>[  The Chicago Jewish forum, Volume 23] by Benjamin Weintroub (p271)
*"The Dubrovnik community was founded by Sephardic''' Jews''' who were expelled from Spain, and despite the customary discriminations then ... they fared quite well under the ancient Republic of Ragusa, as Dubrovnik was known originally."</ref> <ref>[ Footprint Croatia] by Jane Foster (p271)
*"Dubrovnik's '''Jewish''' community, first mentioned in '''1352''', grew in number after 1492 following the expulsion of Jews from Spain, ... Through the centuries it has been used as a customs office and the city mint (Ragusa minted its own money..."</ref><ref>[ Croatia] by Michael Schuman
*"Dubrovnik also has a small mosque where the city's 4000 '''Muslims''' worship, and the nearby '''Serbian''' Orthodox Church, which by Dubrovnik standards is fairly new, dating to the 1800s."</ref> The Republic was a Maritime nation that traded all over the Mediterranean and even had trade with the Americas. Additionally it was in competition with Venice itself.
*Statement made by the contemporary historian John Van Antwerp Fine: {{Cquote|''This is not surprising since the “Ragusans” identified themselves as Ragusans and not as Croats.''<ref>[ Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans:] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p157)</ref>}}
'''Concerning''' the former Yugoslavia (which [[Croatia]] was part of) the Cold War era played a major role in this style (''Dalmatia'' -History, Culture, Art Heritage) of historical documentation of the region’s history. Yugoslav Communist history is now dogma in Croatia. Many of today’s Croatians live with this dogma as their reality even though the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia had a '''profound''' effect on the region. So much so that it’s created today’s political and cultural scene. <ref>[ The Fragmentation of Yugoslavia:] Nationalism and War in the Balkans ''by'' Aleksandar Pavkovic.(p 47)</ref>
*Statement made by the contemporary historian Danijel Dzino: {{Cquote| ''Medieval studies in Croatia and in most of the former Yugoslav space were firmly rooted in political history and suffered from isolationism and lack of interest in foreign scholarship.  In the [[Titoism and Totalitarianism|communist era]], especially after the 1960s, Marxist ideology and national and Yugoslav political-ideological frameworks  strongly impacted on the research into medieval history in Croatia '' <ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman+Medieval+studies+in+croatia&hl=en&ei=aEVLTZXLC5GevgPU26QW&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia  by Danijel Dzino (p43)</ref>}}
*Statements made by the contemporary historian John Van Antwerp Fine (Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Michigan):{{Cquote|''Such substitutions of “Croat” for” Slav,” however, mislead the reader into believing something the sources do not tell...''<ref>[“Croat”+for”+Slav,”+however&hl=en&ei=oT-ITfy5CoPCvQOo56HZDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans:] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p11)</ref>
{{Cquote|''There is no justification to falsify history to support ethnic ambitions. The Croats and their Balkan neighbours have done this in a major way'' <ref>[ When Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p15)</ref>}}}}
== External links ==
== External links ==
* [ Image of Zadar post Allied bombings (February 4th 1944)]
* [ Image of Zadar post Allied bombings (February 4th 1944)]
