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Wikipedia itself has over the years become a gathering place for individuals with '''extreme views''' when it comes to topics dealing with Nationalism. There is no other place this is more visible than in the [[Croatia|Croatian]] articles on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia itself has over the years become a gathering place for individuals with '''extreme views''' when it comes to topics dealing with Nationalism. There is no other place this is more visible than in the [[Croatia|Croatian]] articles on Wikipedia.
For many, Wikipedia has become the first port of call for information about anything and everything. With this in mind a crafty group of clever individuals can very easily manipulate historic information for their own '''Nationalistic agendas'''! Judging by the last year of edits on the articles about Croatia, they are pretty much written from a '''dated''' point of view of the former [[Communists|Communist]] Yugoslavia. Communist Yugoslav nationalistic history is all but forgotten in the West. It was the regimes policy to create a uniform state rather than a collective of peoples. The policy was one of the great historic failures of recent times. In essence Yugoslavia was a contradiction, on one hand it had the slogan ''Brotherhood and Unity'' <ref> ''Brotherhood and Unity''  was originally a policy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia</ref>and on the other hand it executed Stalinist policies from the 1940s to the 1960s.  Other Nationalistic conflicts within Wikipedia that are related to the Croatian region are based on ''ethnicity'' (ie. Croatian, Serbian and Italian).
For many, Wikipedia has become the first port of call for information about anything and everything. With this in mind a crafty group of clever individuals can very easily manipulate historic information for their own '''Nationalistic agendas'''! Judging by the last year of edits on the articles about Croatia, they are pretty much written from a '''dated''' point of view of the former [[Communists|Communist]] Yugoslavia. Communist Yugoslav nationalistic history is all but forgotten in the West. It was the regimes policy to create a uniform state rather than a collective of peoples. The policy was one of the great historic failures of recent times. In essence Yugoslavia was a contradiction, on one hand it had the slogan ''Brotherhood and Unity'' <ref> ''Brotherhood and Unity''  was originally a policy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia</ref>and on the other hand it executed Stalinist policies from the 1940s to the 1960s.  Other Nationalistic conflicts within Wikipedia that are related to the Croatian region are based on ''ethnicity'' (i.e.. Croatian, Serbian and Italian).
'''Now''' thanks to the Internet, this pseudo historical perspective that once was known only to Tito's Yugoslavia, has gone World Wide. This is truly disturbing because the former communist Yugoslavia encompassed peoples descendant of the Roman Empire, Republic of Venice, Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and others.
Concerning the former Yugoslavia and it's interpretation of History, one could say ''what'' would you expect from a Totalitarian political system? It needs to undertake historical re-writes. Part of its existence is based on falsehoods. It's the nature of the beast. Now I'm not saying it's all pseudo historical but sections of it would have to be. It is based on the Great Union of Southern Slavs combined with Communism's grand plan for its people to evolve into a superior society (and a superior man) as a whole. The regime had to justify its existence. It's all derived from 19-century thinking, i.e., Marxism combined with extreme Nationalism (combined with Darwinism).
It is based on a philosophy that an individual human life is '''without''' value and the ''culture'' of a society is expendable.  
'''Note''': Communist Yugoslavia executed Historian - ''Kerubin Segvic''. He was executed mainly for proposing a different historic model than that of Yugoslav regime state policies of Croatians arriving in the Western Balkans.<ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman&hl=en&ei=ITrwTP7nLsW3cO_RwJYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia by Danijel Dzino (p20)</ref>  
'''Note''': Communist Yugoslavia executed Historian - ''Kerubin Segvic''. He was executed mainly for proposing a different historic model than that of Yugoslav regime state policies of Croatians arriving in the Western Balkans.<ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman&hl=en&ei=ITrwTP7nLsW3cO_RwJYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia by Danijel Dzino (p20)</ref>  
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*Thus the regime set up political and show trials against certain more visible opponents later. In the case of an “emergency situation”, even the establishment of concentration camps was planned in Slovenia in 1968, where around 1,000 persons, of whom 10 % were women, would be interned for political reasons''. '''Page 161'''</ref><ref>[]  U 581 Grobnici je 100.000 žrtava. [ English version-The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves]</ref>  The former Yugoslavia was a Totalitarian state.
*Thus the regime set up political and show trials against certain more visible opponents later. In the case of an “emergency situation”, even the establishment of concentration camps was planned in Slovenia in 1968, where around 1,000 persons, of whom 10 % were women, would be interned for political reasons''. '''Page 161'''</ref><ref>[]  U 581 Grobnici je 100.000 žrtava. [ English version-The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves]</ref>  The former Yugoslavia was a Totalitarian state.
====Now thanks to the Internet====
'''Now''' thanks to the Internet, this pseudo historical perspective that once was known only to Tito's Yugoslavia, has gone World Wide. This is truly disturbing because the former communist Yugoslavia encompassed peoples descendant of the Roman Empire, Republic of Venice, Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and others.
Additionally, one could say ''what'' would you expect from a Totalitarian political system? It needs to undertake historical re-writes. Part of its existence is based on falsehoods. It's the nature of the beast. Now I'm not saying it's all pseudo historical but sections of it would have to be. It is based on the Great Union of Southern Slavs combined with Communism's grand plan for its people to evolve into a superior society (and a superior man) as a whole. The regime had to justify its existence. It's all derived from 19-century thinking, i.e., Marxism combined with extreme Nationalism (combined with Darwinism).
It is based on a philosophy that an individual human life is '''without''' value and the ''culture'' of a society is expendable.
* For more information please read Titoism and Totalitarianism [[Titoism and Totalitarianism| - ''Link here'']].
* For more information please read Titoism and Totalitarianism [[Titoism and Totalitarianism| - ''Link here'']].
