Punzhu publishes a variety of puzzle magazines in Adobe PDF that you may download for free by clicking on the [http://www.magazine.punzhu.com/index.php "Free Magazines"] link on our main menu. Registration, which is also free, is required to access our magazines.
Punzhu publishes a variety of puzzle magazines in Adobe PDF that you may download for free by clicking on the [http://www.magazine.punzhu.com/index.php "Free Magazines"] link on our main menu, or selecting the magazine of your choice form the images on the main page.
Registration, which is also free, is required to access our free puzzle magazines.
Some of the free magazines available for download are crosswords, word search, word find, Hitori, sudoku, symbol sudoku, alphasudoku, coded, cryptic, fill-in, scrambled, and jigsaw.