| Ciplex has worked with hundreds of clients, including corporations, individual professionals, non-profit groups, businesses of all size, government contractors, IT firms, and advertising agencies. We have developed a high-tech, high-security company that allows us to work on government and business projects that require the greatest security and the most innovation. Many of our clients recommend us to their colleagues and send us letters of praise and thanks. We appreciate every feedback - it feels great to know that we are making a big difference in business lives. Ciplex is responsible for such notable websites as Von Dutch<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.designflavr.com/Von-Dutch-Ciplex-i682/ |title=Von Dutch by Ciplex |publisher= DesignFlavr|accessdate=2010-06-15}}</ref>, [http://hiexpresshollywood.com/ Holiday Inn Express] and actress [http://www.kathygriffin.net/ Kathy Griffin]. Our customers include some of the biggest brands in their industries: | | Ciplex has worked with hundreds of clients, including corporations, individual professionals, non-profit groups, businesses of all size, government contractors, IT firms, and advertising agencies. We have developed a high-tech, high-security company that allows us to work on government and business projects that require the greatest security and the most innovation. Many of our clients recommend us to their colleagues and send us letters of praise and thanks. We appreciate every feedback - it feels great to know that we are making a big difference in business lives. Ciplex is responsible for such notable websites as Von Dutch<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.designflavr.com/Von-Dutch-Ciplex-i682/ |title=Von Dutch by Ciplex |publisher= DesignFlavr|accessdate=2010-06-15}}</ref>, [http://hiexpresshollywood.com/ Holiday Inn Express] and actress [http://www.kathygriffin.net/ Kathy Griffin]. Our customers include some of the biggest brands in their industries: |