| == Ethnic cleansing, Concentration Camps and other post WW2 Camps == | | == Ethnic cleansing, Concentration Camps and other post WW2 Camps == |
− | Ethnic cleansing of Germans, Hungarians and Italians (Foibe massacres) were carried out in Yugoslavia.<ref>[http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=RWZLZaxPUXQC&oi=fnd&pg=PA8&ots=xdn2wNxBWP&sig=WN_VKCu5q6lVUOsSoxHdPJGiB-w#v=snippet&q=killed&f=false Communist Retaliation and Persecution on Yugoslav Territory During and After WWII] by [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://histkomm.thinkabit.net/index.php%3Fpage%3D112%26menu%3D259&ei=zbNKS8vpKs-gkQXdmuj8Ag&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CB8Q7gEwBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDr.%2Bphil.%2BMichael%2BPortmann%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us Dr. Ph. Michael Portmann] -The following article deals with repressive measures undertaken by communist-dominated Partisan forces during and especially after WWII in order to take revenge on former enemies, to punish collaborators, and “people’s enemies“ and to decimate and eliminate the potential of opponents to a new, socialist Yugoslavia. The text represents a summary of a master thesis referring to the above-mentioned topic written and accepted at Vienna University in 2002.</ref><ref>[http://books.google.it/books?id=ykMVAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA138&lpg=PA138&dq=%22forty+days+of+Trieste%22&source=bl&ots=vV1YtYVNWt&sig=La9eWoqpk9YOCTXzBJ-zEAlHhK4&hl=it&ei=ixkbStyiHYuV_QbgxtnYDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. Page 138</ref><ref>[http://books.google.be/books?id=hhD0R8DBr_UC&pg=PA89&vq=trieste&dq=%22In+Opicina,+after+a+bomb&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0 A Tragedy Revealed''] by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. Page 89</ref><ref>[http://miran.pecenik.com/ts/balkan/balkan6.htm Where the Balkans Begin (The Slovenes in Triest-The Foiba Story)] by Bernard Meares-During the early Communist occupation in [[Trieste]], Gorizia and the Littoral, and the 40 days of [[Communist]] rule in Trieste city, some 6000 arrests were made and the prisoners carried off to Communist-controlled areas.</ref> | + | Ethnic cleansing of Germans, Hungarians and Italians (Foibe massacres) were carried out in Yugoslavia.<ref>[http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=RWZLZaxPUXQC&oi=fnd&pg=PA8&ots=xdn2wNxBWP&sig=WN_VKCu5q6lVUOsSoxHdPJGiB-w#v=snippet&q=killed&f=false Communist Retaliation and Persecution on Yugoslav Territory During and After WWII] by [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://histkomm.thinkabit.net/index.php%3Fpage%3D112%26menu%3D259&ei=zbNKS8vpKs-gkQXdmuj8Ag&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CB8Q7gEwBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDr.%2Bphil.%2BMichael%2BPortmann%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us Dr. Ph. Michael Portmann] -The following article deals with repressive measures undertaken by communist-dominated Partisan forces during and especially after WWII in order to take revenge on former enemies, to punish collaborators, and “people’s enemies“ and to decimate and eliminate the potential of opponents to a new, socialist Yugoslavia. The text represents a summary of a master thesis referring to the above-mentioned topic written and accepted at Vienna University in 2002.</ref><ref>[http://books.google.it/books?id=ykMVAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA138&lpg=PA138&dq=%22forty+days+of+Trieste%22&source=bl&ots=vV1YtYVNWt&sig=La9eWoqpk9YOCTXzBJ-zEAlHhK4&hl=it&ei=ixkbStyiHYuV_QbgxtnYDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. Page 138</ref><ref>[http://books.google.be/books?id=hhD0R8DBr_UC&pg=PA89&vq=trieste&dq=%22In+Opicina,+after+a+bomb&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0 A Tragedy Revealed''] by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. Page 89</ref><ref>[http://miran.pecenik.com/ts/balkan/balkan6.htm Where the Balkans Begin (The Slovenes in Triest-The Foiba Story)] by Bernard Meares-During the early Communist occupation in Trieste, Gorizia and the Littoral, and the 40 days of Communist rule in Trieste city, some 6000 arrests were made and the prisoners carried off to Communist-controlled areas.</ref> |
| Milko Mikola: COMMUNIST CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND LABOUR CAMPS IN SLOVENIA: In his paper, the author deals with concentration and labour camps established in Slovenia under Communist rule after the end of the war in Slovenia in 1945. Concentration camps were established already in May 1945 and were filled with members of the German and Hungarian national minorities, captured members of the Slovenian Home-guard (“domobranstvo”) and members of military units from other Yugoslav regions who fought against the partisans. The treatment of internees in these camps was as cruel as in the Nazi concentration camps. In certain Communist concentration camps, for example, such as the camp in Teharje and at the Bishop’s institutes (Skofovi zavodi) in St. Vid nad Ljubljano, the great majority of internees were killed without any trial. In the autumn of 1945, concentration camps in Slovenia were abolished. | | Milko Mikola: COMMUNIST CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND LABOUR CAMPS IN SLOVENIA: In his paper, the author deals with concentration and labour camps established in Slovenia under Communist rule after the end of the war in Slovenia in 1945. Concentration camps were established already in May 1945 and were filled with members of the German and Hungarian national minorities, captured members of the Slovenian Home-guard (“domobranstvo”) and members of military units from other Yugoslav regions who fought against the partisans. The treatment of internees in these camps was as cruel as in the Nazi concentration camps. In certain Communist concentration camps, for example, such as the camp in Teharje and at the Bishop’s institutes (Skofovi zavodi) in St. Vid nad Ljubljano, the great majority of internees were killed without any trial. In the autumn of 1945, concentration camps in Slovenia were abolished. |