2,555 bytes added
, 18:21, 31 December 2009
<!-- MyWikiBiz users, note... Text that appears between these brackets are merely remarks. -->
<!-- They do not appear in the actual page. -->
<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a COMPANY. You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements. The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->
| company_name = [[Company_Name:=SEO Toronto]]
| company_logo = [[Image:SEO_Toronto_logo.jpg|150px|SEO Toronto logo]]
| company_slogan = ''SEO Toronto | Toronto SEO''
| company_type = [[Company_Type:=Private|[[Private Company|Private]]]]
| genre =
| foundation = [[Year_Started:=2005|[[2005]]]]
| founder =
| location = {{flagicon|CA}} [[City:=Toronto|[[Directory:Toronto, Ontario|Toronto]]]], [[State_Name:=Ontario|[[Directory:Ontario|Ontario]]]], [[Country_Name:=Canada|[[Directory:Canada|CA]]]]
| key_people = [[Key_Person1:=Weininger Dvir|[[Directory:Weininger Dvir|Weininger Dvir]]]], [[Key_Person1_Title:=CEO|CEO]]
| industry = [[NAICS_Code1_Title:=SEO|[[SEO]]]]<br>[[NAICS_Code2_Title:=Toronto SEO|[[SEO Toronto]]]]
| products = <!-- You can list the company's products here. -->
| contact = [[Address:=15 Stayner Ave.]]<br>Toronto, [[State_Code:=ON]] [[Zip:=M6B1N3]]-[[Plus4:=0000]]<br>[[Phone:=647.477.2992]]<br>[[Web:=www.CmsBuffet.com|[http://www.CmsBuffet.com SEO Toronto website]]]
| footnotes =
'''CMS Buffet''' is a [[color Toronto SEO]] company that prides itself on our professional approach to SEO. SEO requires intense focus and dedication in order to remain successful within the dynamic world of Internet search engines.
<!-- This is how a Google ad template can be used. Of course, you'd replace this client ID with your own client ID. -->
google_ad_client = 'pub-4781341637005814';
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google_ad_height = 60;
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google_color_link = 'FFFFFF';
google_color_text = 'AECCEB';
google_color_url = 'AECCEB';
<br> <!-- This is how you force a line break. -->
== External links ==
*[http://www.CmsBuffet.com/ SEO Toronto website]
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