local p = {} local mArguments = require('Module:Arguments') local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local function stripToNil(text) -- If text is a non-empty string, return its trimmed content. -- Otherwise, return nothing (text is an empty string or is not a string). if type(text) == 'string' then return text:match('(%S.-)%s*$') end end local function getDoiArgs(args) -- Return a list of |doiN=xxx parameter values, omitting blanks and skipped N's. -- LATER Should expand this to work with each exported function. local indices = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if stripToNil(v) and type(k) == 'string' then local n = tonumber(k:match('^doi(%d+)$')) if n then table.insert(indices, n) end end end table.sort(indices) local parms = {} if stripToNil(args.doi) then if args.doi1 then error('Use doi or doi1, not both', 0) end parms[1] = args.doi end for _, n in ipairs(indices) do table.insert(parms, args['doi' .. n]) end return parms end local Searcher Searcher = { link = function (self, doi) return '<code>{{' .. self.doiText .. '|[' .. -- 'sort=relevance&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current={}&' .. -- not needed; can include this for compatibility 'ns0=1&ns118=1&search=insource%3A' .. doi:gsub('10%.', '/10\\.') .. '%5C%2F%20*%2F ' .. -- '%20*' seems redundant but is needed for Special:Search to work ('x*' also works) doi .. ']}}</code>' end, new = function (options) options = options or {} local doiText = options.linkdoi and '[[Digital object identifier#Prefix|doi]]' or 'doi' return setmetatable({doiText = doiText}, Searcher) end } Searcher.__index = Searcher function p.selected(frame) local n = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true}) local note = n.note local wantSource = { ['User:JL-Bot/Questionable.cfg'] = true, } --local abbrev = {BLJ = '[ BLJ]', BLJU='[ BLJU]', BLP='[ BLP]', BLPU='[ BLPU]', SPJJ = '[ SPJJ]', SPJP = '[ SPJP]', DOAJ='[ Lying about DOAJ]', QW ='[ QW]', DEPS ='[[WP:DEPS|DEPS]]', URF ='[[#Unreliable fields|URF]]'} local abbrev = {Bohannon = 'Bohannon', BLJ = 'BLJ', BLJU= 'BLJU', BLP = 'BLP', BLPU = 'BLPU', SPJJ ='SPJJ', SPJP ='SPJP', DOAJ = 'DOAJ', QW='QW', DEPS ='DEPS', URF = 'URF', Unknown = 'Unknown'} local source if wantSource[mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText] then source = n.source or 'Unknown' source = abbrev[source] or source end local sourcenote if note and source then sourcenote = string.format(' (%s) [%s]', source, note) elseif source then sourcenote = string.format(' (%s)', source) elseif note then sourcenote = string.format(' [%s]', note) else sourcenote = '' end local listDoi, nrDoi = {}, 0 local function addDoi(doi, i) if doi then nrDoi = nrDoi + 1 if i and listDoi[i] then table.insert(listDoi, i, doi) else listDoi[nrDoi] = doi end end end local rows = {} for i, v in ipairs(TableTools.compressSparseArray(n)) do if i == 1 then rows[1] = { string.format('*[[:%s]]%s', v, sourcenote) } elseif v:match('^10%.%d+$') then addDoi(v) else table.insert(rows, string.format('**[[:%s]]', v)) end end if not rows[1] then error('Need at least one target parameter', 0) end for _, param in ipairs({ 'imprint', 'parent' }) do for i = 1, 10 do local arg = n[param .. i] if arg then table.insert(rows[1], string.format("''[[%s]]''", arg)) end end end if n.doi and n.doi1 then error('Use doi or doi1, not both', 0) end for i = 1, 10 do local doi if i == 1 then doi = n.doi or n.doi1 else doi = n['doi' .. i] end addDoi(doi, i) end local search = for i = 1, nrDoi do local doi = listDoi[i] table.insert(rows, '**' .. search:link(doi) ) end rows[1] = table.concat(rows[1], ' / ') return table.concat(rows, '\n') end function p.doilist(frame) local doiList = getDoiArgs(frame:getParent().args) if not doiList[1] then return '' end local search ={linkdoi = true}) for i, doi in ipairs(doiList) do doiList[i] = search:link(doi) end return " | <b><span class=plainlinks>" .. table.concat(doiList, ' <b>·</b> ') .. -- middot is double bold "</span></b>" end function p.exclude(frame) local n = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true}) local length = TableTools.length(n) local text = string.format('*[[:%s]]', n[1] or '') n[1] = nil for _, v in ipairs(TableTools.compressSparseArray(n)) do if length > 1 then text = text .. string.format(" ≠ [[:%s]]", v) end end return text end function p.pattern(frame) local rows = {} for i, v in ipairs(frame:getParent().args) do v = mw.text.trim(v) if v == '' then rows[i] = '' elseif i == 1 then rows[i] = string.format('*[[%s]]', v) else rows[i] = string.format("\n**<code>%s</code>", v :gsub("%.%*", "<b><font style=color:#006400;>.*</font></b>") :gsub("!", "<b><font style=color:#8B0000;>!</font></b>") :gsub("'", "’") ) end end if not rows[1] then error('pattern requires parameter 1', 0) end return table.concat(rows) end return p