
This is the documentation page for Module:Gapnum

This module is used by {{val}}.

Use in other modules


The gaps function can be useful for formatting in other modules that work with displaying large numbers.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local gaps = require('Module:Gapnum').gaps </syntaxhighlight>

Using the gaps function, the first argument is the number to format. The second argument can be a table with keys that tell the module how to format. The table keys that can be used are:

  • gap - a number with CSS units (px, em, en, etc) that define the size of the gap between numbers. If blank, the module will use 0.25em.
  • prec - a number that determines the precision of the decimal part of the number. If the precision is less than the number of digits, extra digits will be removed without rounding; if it is more, zeroes will be added to the end to create the desired precision. If blank, the module will use -1, which means the precision will be the same as the number given; no digits added or removed.

Note that the return statement is a table. This means more styling or text can be added to the wrapper span tag, but it may also mean that tostring() may be required when used in other modules.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local gaps = require('Module:Gapnum').gaps

function example() local n = 123456.78900011 -- Example for just simple formatting of a number -- n_gaps will use the default, .25em gaps and no change in precision -- The result will have its gaps created with inline css -- But the result would look like: -- 123 456.789 000 11 local n_gaps = gaps(n)

-- Different gap size -- These will format n into the same groups as above -- But the spaces between the groups will be larger and smaller, respectively local n_big_gaps = gaps(n, {gap='1em'}) local n_small_gaps = gaps(n, {gap='1px'})

-- Different precision -- n_prec_5 will use the number 123456.78900 -- The result would look like: -- 123 456.789 00 local n_prec_5 = gaps(n, {prec=5}) -- n_prec_10 will use the number 123456.7890001100 -- The result would look like: -- 123 456.789 000 1100 local n_prec_10 = gaps(n, {prec=10})

-- Both different gaps and precision can be used: local n_big_5 = gaps(n, {gap='1em', prec=5}) local n_small_10 = gaps(n, {gap='1px', prec=10}) end </syntaxhighlight>


The groups function can be used in other modules to separate a number into groups as gaps does, but instead of a formatted string, the function will return tables whose elements are the separated groups.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local groups = require('Module:Gapnum').groups

function example() -- This will return one table: -- {123,456} local n1 = groups(123456)

-- This will return two tables, each assigned to a different variable: -- n2a will be: -- {1,234} -- n2b will be: -- {567,89} local n2a,n2b = groups(1234.56789)

-- This will return two tables: -- An integer part is always returned, even if it is 0 -- n3a will be: -- {0} -- n3b will be: -- {123,4567} local n3a,n3b = groups(0.1234567)

-- Just like the other functions, a precision can be defined -- precision is simply the second parameter -- n4a will be: -- {123} -- n4b will be: -- {456,700,00} local n4a,n4b = groups(123.4567,8) end </syntaxhighlight>