Directory:Rick Allemandi
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Rick Allemandi | |
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Residence | Template:Country data US [[City:=Watsonville|Watsonville]], [[State_Name:=California|California]], [[Country_Name:=United States|USA]] |
Born | [[Birth Date:=1959-09-19|1959-09-19]] San Jose, California |
Contact |
Rick Allemandi Hi - My name is Rick. I used to weigh over 400 pounds. In December of 2005, I underwent a form of Weight Loss Surgery known as a Gastric Bypass (R-N-Y). Within a year, I lost about 160 pounds. Here it is four years later and I still have kept the weight off. Some say that I have just transferred my addiction for food into an addiction for working out and into a love of Mixed Martial Arts. There may be some truth to that, but I'm not sure I want to come out and admit it. :-) Anyway you look at it, the surgery is just a tool that gets you started on taking your life back. It really is a journey.
Photo gallery
External links
- Vitamins & Supplements for Weight Loss Surgery Patients and Serious Athletes!
- An Informational Portal for What To Do After You lose the Weight.
- Fixing Rick Rick's Blog About Weight Loss
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