Directory:Optimal Thinking


Optimal Thinking — the language of your best self — is the mental basis of best practices and peak performance. Optimal Thinking is the mental technology that empowers you to be your best. It stops you from settling for second best.

Have any of these thoughts ever crossed your mind?

  • I deserve the best in life.
  • How can I make the most of this situation?
  • What’s the best solution?
  • I’m taking the smartest actions toward my most important goal.
  • I’m motivated to do my best.
  • I’m maximizing my options.
  • What’s the most constructive use of my time right now?

If you entertain such thoughts, you have used Optimal Thinking.

With Optimal Thinking, your highest self takes charge. You focus on the best or most constructive thoughts. You choose your best option in any given moment and experience the results of your own best thoughts. When thinking optimally, you are not concerned with others’ concepts of “the best.” You are not in competition with anyone. You are concerned with what “the best” means to you and you attach your own value to it. When considering the purchase of a gift for a loved one or coworker, one Optimal Thinker may think that the best choice is the highest quality available, and isn’t concerned with price. Another may choose the gift that offers the most value relative to price.

When you use this superlative form of thinking, you can choose the best actions to accomplish what’s most important to you. You automatically use words like “best,” “wisest,” “highest,” “most productive,” “supreme,” and “maximize.” Here is the quantum leap!

Suboptimal Positive Thinking versus Optimal Thinking

            Suboptimal Positive Thinking                   Optimal Thinking

good, better best great greatest high, higher highest, peak, top smart, smarter smartest important most important enjoyable most enjoyable profitable most profitable effective most effective improve, manage, increase maximize, optimize, make the most of outstanding most outstanding

You can employ Optimal Thinking to instantly maximize your life by asking questions like:

  • What is most important to me?
  • What’s my major objective?
  • Which resources will be most beneficial in helping me to achieve it?
  • What are my greatest talents and abilities?
  • How can I make the best use of them?
  • What is the most constructive action I can take right now?
  • Who are the right people with whom to share my goals and dreams?
  • How can I optimize my gratitude for life?

External Links

Optimal Thinking website
Employee Motivation
Rate Your Level of Thinking
Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. bio


Glickman, Ph.D., Rosalene Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self. Wiley, 2002 ISBN 0-471-41464-6