Fairmount, Indiana

Revision as of 21:29, 21 January 2009 by OmniMediaGroup (talk | contribs) (FAIRMOUNT HISTORICAL MUSEUM, 203 E. Washington St., contains exhibits about the history of Grant County and the lives of actor James Dean, born in nearby Marion; CBS reporter Phil Jones; and cartoonis)
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Points of Interest

FAIRMOUNT HISTORICAL MUSEUM, 203 E. Washington St., contains exhibits about the history of Grant County and the lives of actor James Dean, born in nearby Marion; CBS reporter Phil Jones; and cartoonist Jim Davis, creator of "Garfield." Allow 1 hour minimum. Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. noon-5, Mar.-Nov.; by appointment rest of year. Donations. Phone (765) 948-4555.

THE JAMES DEAN GALLERY, 425 N. Main St., houses a large collection of James Dean memorabilia, including clothes, photographs, yearbooks, screenplays and posters. A 30-minute videotape presentation in the theater includes screen clips, tests and television appearances made by the actor. Guided tours are available. Daily 9-6, Apr.-Sept.; 10-5, rest of year. Closed Jan. 1, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25. Admission $3.75, under 11 free. AE, DS, MC, VI. Phone (765) 948-3326. MyWikiBiz