UnitTests provides a unit test facility that can be used by other scripts using require. See Wikipedia:Lua#Unit_testing for details. Following is a sample from Module:Example/testcases:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> -- Unit tests for Module:Example. Click talk page to run tests. local p = require('Module:UnitTests')
function p:test_hello()
self:preprocess_equals('Hello World!', 'Hello World!')
return p </syntaxhighlight>
The talk page Module talk:Example/testcases executes it with {{#invoke: Example/testcases | run_tests}}
. Test methods like test_hello above must begin with "test".
- Template:Code: Runs all tests. Normally used on talk page of unit tests.
- If Template:Code is specified, a column will be added showing the first character position where the expected and actual results differ.
- Template:Code: Gives a piece of wikitext to preprocess and an expected resulting value. Scripts and templates can be invoked in the same manner they would be in a page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:preprocess_equals('Hello World!', 'Hello, world!',{nowiki=1})
- Template:Code: Performs a series of preprocess_equals() calls on a set of given pairs. Automatically adds the given prefix and suffix to each text.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:preprocess_equals_many('Hello, ', '!', { {'John', 'Hello, John!'}, {'Jane', 'Hello, Jane!'}, },{nowiki=1})
- Template:Code: Gives two pieces of wikitext to preprocess and determines if they produce the same value. Useful for comparing scripts to existing templates.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('Hello World!', 'Template:Hello',{nowiki=1})
- Template:Code: Performs a series of preprocess_equals_preprocess() calls on a set of given pairs. The prefix/suffix supplied for both arguments is added automatically. If in any case the second part is not specified, the first part will be used.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('Lua error in Module:ConvertNumeric at line 569: Invalid decimal numeral.', 'Template:Spellnum', '', { {'2'}, -- equivalent to {'2','2'}, {'-2', '-2.0'}, },{nowiki=1})
- Template:Code: Gives a computed value and the expected value, and checks if they are equal according to the == operator. Useful for testing modules that are designed to be used by other modules rather than using #invoke.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:equals('Simple addition', 2 + 2, 4,{nowiki=1})
- Template:Code: Like equals, but handles tables by doing a deep comparison. Neither value should contain circular references, as they are not handled by the current implementation and may result in an infinite loop.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
self:equals_deep('Table comparison', createRange(1,3), {1,2,3},{nowiki=1})
See also
- Module:ScribuntoUnit – alternative unit test module
-- UnitTester provides unit testing for other Lua scripts. For details see [[Wikipedia:Lua#Unit_testing]]. -- For user documentation see talk page. local UnitTester = {} local frame, tick, cross local result_table_header = "{|class=\"wikitable\"\n|+ %s\n! !! Text !! Expected !! Actual" local result_table = { n = 0 } local result_table_mt = { insert = function (self, ...) local n = self.n for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local val = select(i, ...) if val ~= nil then n = n + 1 self[n] = val end end self.n = n end, insert_format = function (self, ...) self:insert(string.format(...)) end, concat = table.concat } result_table_mt.__index = result_table_mt setmetatable(result_table, result_table_mt) local num_failures = 0 function first_difference(s1, s2) if s1 == s2 then return '' end local max = math.min(#s1, #s2) for i = 1, max do if s1:sub(i,i) ~= s2:sub(i,i) then return i end end return max + 1 end local function return_varargs(...) return ... end function UnitTester:preprocess_equals(text, expected, options) local actual = frame:preprocess(text) if actual == expected then result_table:insert('| ', tick) else result_table:insert('| ', cross) num_failures = num_failures + 1 end local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or return_varargs local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or '' result_table:insert(' \n| ', mw.text.nowiki(text), ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(expected), ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(actual), differs_at, "\n|-\n") end function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_many(prefix, suffix, cases, options) for _, case in ipairs(cases) do self:preprocess_equals(prefix .. case[1] .. suffix, case[2], options) end end function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_preprocess(text1, text2, options) local actual = frame:preprocess(text1) -- <actual> and <expected> will be rendered in <result_table> local expected = frame:preprocess(text2) local actual_for_comp = actual; -- copy of <actual> that may be modified to have same templatestyles stripmarker as <expected> for comparison local highlight; -- boolean true to highlight mismatched renderings in Actual column of result if options and true == options.templatestyles then -- when module rendering has templatestyles strip markers, use ID from expected to prevent false test fail local pattern = '(\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-templatestyles%-)(%x+)(%-QINU[^\127]*\127)'; -- templatestyle stripmarker pattern local _, expected_stripmarker_id = expected:match (pattern); -- get templatestyles strip marker id from expected (the reference); ignore first capture in pattern if expected_stripmarker_id then actual_for_comp = actual_for_comp:gsub (pattern, '%1'..expected_stripmarker_id..'%3'); -- replace actual id with expected id; ignore second capture in pattern end end -- option to ignore any strip marker when comparing actual to expected if options and true == options.stripmarker then local pattern = '(\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-%l+%-)(%x+)(%-QINU[^\127]*\127)'; local _, expected_stripmarker_id = expected:match (pattern); if expected_stripmarker_id then actual_for_comp = actual_for_comp:gsub (pattern, '%1'..expected_stripmarker_id..'%3'); expected = expected:gsub (pattern, '%1'..expected_stripmarker_id..'%3'); end end if actual_for_comp == expected then -- are the renderings the same result_table:insert('| ', tick) else result_table:insert('| ', cross) -- nope; mark as failure num_failures = num_failures + 1 -- tally highlight=true -- and highlight the results table Actual column cell (so the failed test is more obvious) end local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or return_varargs local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or '' result_table:insert(' \n| ', mw.text.nowiki(text1), -- the tested template nowikied ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(expected), -- the expected version highlight and ' \n|style="background: #fc0"| ' or ' \n| ', -- highlighted if test fail; not else maybe_nowiki(actual), differs_at, -- the actual rendering using its own template styles if that is an option "\n|-\n") end function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many(prefix1, suffix1, prefix2, suffix2, cases, options) for _, case in ipairs(cases) do self:preprocess_equals_preprocess(prefix1 .. case[1] .. suffix1, prefix2 .. (case[2] and case[2] or case[1]) .. suffix2, options) end end function UnitTester:equals(name, actual, expected, options) if actual == expected then result_table:insert('| ', tick) else result_table:insert('| ', cross) num_failures = num_failures + 1 end local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or return_varargs local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or '' local display = options and options.display or function(x) return x end result_table:insert(' \n| ', name, ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(tostring(display(expected))), ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(tostring(display(actual))), differs_at, "\n|-\n") end local function deep_compare(t1, t2, ignore_mt) local ty1 = type(t1) local ty2 = type(t2) if ty1 ~= ty2 then return false end if ty1 ~= 'table' and ty2 ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end local mt = getmetatable(t1) if not ignore_mt and mt and mt.__eq then return t1 == t2 end for k1, v1 in pairs(t1) do local v2 = t2[k1] if v2 == nil or not deep_compare(v1, v2) then return false end end for k2, v2 in pairs(t2) do local v1 = t1[k2] if v1 == nil or not deep_compare(v1, v2) then return false end end return true end function val_to_str(v) if type(v) == 'string' then v = mw.ustring.gsub(v, '\n', '\\n') if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.gsub(v, '[^\'"]', ''), '^"+$') then return "'" .. v .. "'" end return '"' .. mw.ustring.gsub(v, '"', '\\"' ) .. '"' else return type(v) == 'table' and table_to_str(v) or tostring(v) end end function table_key_to_str(k) if type(k) == 'string' and mw.ustring.match(k, '^[_%a][_%a%d]*$') then return k else return '[' .. val_to_str(k) .. ']' end end function table_to_str(tbl) local result, done = {}, {} for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do table.insert(result, val_to_str(v)) done[k] = true end for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if not done[k] then table.insert(result, table_key_to_str(k) .. '=' .. val_to_str(v)) end end return '{' .. table.concat(result, ',') .. '}' end function UnitTester:equals_deep(name, actual, expected, options) if deep_compare(actual, expected) then result_table:insert('| ', tick) else result_table:insert('| ', cross) num_failures = num_failures + 1 end local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or return_varargs local actual_str = val_to_str(actual) local expected_str = val_to_str(expected) local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected_str, actual_str)) or '' result_table:insert(' \n| ', name, ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(expected_str), ' \n| ', maybe_nowiki(actual_str), differs_at, "\n|-\n") end function UnitTester:iterate(examples, func) require 'libraryUtil'.checkType('iterate', 1, examples, 'table') if type(func) == 'string' then func = self[func] elseif type(func) ~= 'function' then error(("bad argument #2 to 'iterate' (expected function or string, got %s)") :format(type(func)), 2) end for i, example in ipairs(examples) do if type(example) == 'table' then func(self, unpack(example)) elseif type(example) == 'string' then self:heading(example) else error(('bad example #%d (expected table, got %s)') :format(i, type(example)), 2) end end end function UnitTester:heading(text) result_table:insert_format(' ! colspan="%u" style="text-align: left" | %s \n |- \n ', self.columns, text) end function UnitTester:run(frame_arg) frame = frame_arg self.frame = frame self.differs_at = frame.args['differs_at'] tick = frame:preprocess('{{Tick}}') cross = frame:preprocess('{{Cross}}') local table_header = result_table_header self.columns = 4 if self.differs_at then table_header = table_header .. ' !! Differs at' self.columns = self.columns + 1 end -- Sort results into alphabetical order. local self_sorted = {} for key,value in pairs(self) do if key:find('^test') then table.insert(self_sorted, key) end end table.sort(self_sorted) -- Add results to the results table. for i,value in ipairs(self_sorted) do result_table:insert_format(table_header .. "\n|-\n", value) self[value](self) result_table:insert("|}\n") end return (num_failures == 0 and "<b style=\"color:#008000\">All tests passed.</b>" or "<b style=\"color:#800000\">" .. num_failures .. " tests failed.</b>") .. "\n\n" .. frame:preprocess(result_table:concat()) end function UnitTester:new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end local p = UnitTester:new() function p.run_tests(frame) return p:run(frame) end return p