Module:Road data/strings/USA/ME
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Road data/strings/USA/ME/doc
--[==[ To inspect the content of this data module, use [[Special:ExpandTemplates]] and enter the following input text: {{#invoke:Road data/dump|dump|module=Module:<name-of-this-module>}} To inspect the content of this data module when editing, enter the following into the Debug console: local util = require("Module:Road data/util") print(util.arrayToString(p)) ]==] --Maine local ME = require("Module:Road data/strings/USA") local util = require("Module:Road data/util") local suffix = " ([dab||%dab%, |]Maine)" local maint = "[[Maine Department of Transportation|MaineDOT]]" ME[" common "] = { browse = { {link = "Maine State Highway System", bold = true}, { noprint = true, {link = "List of Interstate Highways in Maine", name = "Interstate"}, {link = "List of U.S. Highways in Maine", name = "U.S."}, {link = "List of state routes in Maine", name = "State"} } } } = { ["95"] = "Interstate 95 in Maine", ["495"] = "[dab||Maine Turnpike|Falmouth Spur]", default = "Interstate %route% (Maine)" } ME.I.shieldmain = ME.I.shield ME.I.maint = maint = ME.US.base .. " [dab||(%dab%, Maine)|in Maine]" ME.US.maint = maint ME["US-Bus"].link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Maine)" ME["US-Bus"].maint = maint ME["US-Byp"].link = "U.S. Route %route% Bypass ([dab||%dab%, |]Maine)" ME["US-Byp"].maint = maint ME.SR = { shield = "Maine %route%.svg", name = "State Route %route%", link = "Maine State Route %route%", abbr = "SR %route%", maint = maint, width = "expand" } ME.ME = ME.SR ME["SR 1926"] = { shield = 'Maine %route% 1926.svg', name =, link =, abbr = ME.SR.abbr, width = square } ME["ME 1926"] = ME["SR 1926"] ME["SR 1951"] = { shield = 'Maine %route% 1951.svg', name =, link =, abbr = ME.SR.abbr, width = square } ME["ME 1951"] = ME["SR 1951"] ME.METP = { shield = "Maine Turnpike sign.svg", name = "Maine Turnpike", link = "Maine Turnpike", abbr = "Maine Turnpike", bannersuffix = "green" } ME["SR-Bus"] = { shield = ME.SR.shield, name = .. " Business", link = .. " Business", abbr = ME.SR.abbr .. " Bus.", banner = "Business plate.svg", width = "expand", aux = "[[Business route]]", maint = maint } ME["ME-Bus"] = ME["SR-Bus"] ME["SR-Truck"] = { shield = ME.SR.shield, name = .. " Truck", link = .. " Truck", abbr = ME.SR.abbr .. " Truck", banner = "Truck plate.svg", width = "expand", aux = "[[Truck route]]", maint = maint } ME["ME-Truck"] = ME["SR-Truck"] ME.NB = {alias = {module = "CAN/NB", type = "NB"}} ME.QC = {alias = {module = "CAN/QC", type = "Route"}} ME.A = {alias = {module = "CAN/QC", type = "A"}} return ME