This module contains functions for generating string representations of Lua objects. It is inspired by Python's repr function.
To use the module, first you have to import it.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mRepr = require("Module:Repr") </syntaxhighlight>
Then you can use the functions it contains. The documentation for each function is below.
This function generates a string representation of any given Lua object. The idea is that if you copy the string this function produces it, and paste it back into a Lua program, then you should be able to reproduce the original object. This doesn't work for all values, but it should hold for simple cases.
For example, <syntaxhighlight lang="lua" inline>mRepr.repr({bool = true, number = 6, str = "hello world"})</syntaxhighlight> will output the string {bool = true, number = 6, str = "hello world"}
Basic syntax:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRepr.repr(value) </syntaxhighlight>
Full syntax:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRepr.repr(value, options) </syntaxhighlight>
: The value to convert to a string. This can be any Lua value. This parameter is optional, and defaults tonil
: A table of options. This parameter is optional.
The following options can be specified in the options table:
: If true, output the string in "pretty" format (as in pretty-printing). This will add new lines and indentation between table items. If false, format everything on one line. The default is false.tabs
: If true, indent with tabs; otherwise, indent with spaces. The default is true. This only has an effect ifpretty
is true.spaces
: The number of spaces to indent with, iftabs
is false. The default is 4. This only has an effect ifpretty
is true.semicolons
: If true, table items are separated with semicolons. If false, they are separated with spaces. The default is false.sortKeys
: If true, sort table keys in lexical order, after other table key formatting has been applied (such as adding square brackets). If false, table keys are output in arbitrary order (the order they are processed by the pairs function). The default is true.depth
: The indentation depth to output the top-level object at. The default is 0. This only has an effect ifpretty
is true.
- The function handles cyclic tables gracefully; when it detects a cycle, the inner table is rendered as
. __tostring
metamethods are automatically called if they are available.- The sequence part of a table is always rendered as a sequence. If there are also key-value pairs, they will be rendered after the sequence part.
Here is an example that shows off all the bells and whistles:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local myTable = { hello = "repr", usefulness = 100, isEasyToUse = true, sequence = {"a", "sequence", "table"}, mixed = {"a", "sequence", with = "key-value pairs"}, subTables = { moreInfo = "Calls itself recursively on sub-tables" }, usesToString = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function () return "__tostring functions are called automatically" end}), ["$YMBOL$"] = "Keys that aren't Lua identifiers are quoted"; [{also = "Tables as keys work too";}] = "in case you need that", cyclic = {note = "cyclical tables are printed as just {CYCLIC}"} } myTable.cyclic.cyclic = myTable.cyclic -- Create a cycle
local options = { pretty = true, -- print with \n and indentation? semicolons = false, -- when printing tables, use semicolons (;) instead of commas (,)? sortKeys = true, -- when printing dictionary tables, sort keys alphabetically? spaces = 3, -- when pretty printing, use how many spaces to indent? tabs = false, -- when pretty printing, use tabs instead of spaces? depth = 0, -- when pretty pretty printing, what level to start indenting at? } mw.log(mRepr.repr(myTable, options)) </syntaxhighlight>
This logs the following:
{ ["$YMBOL$"] = "Keys that aren't Lua identifiers are quoted", [{ also = "Tables as keys work too" }] = "in case you need that", cyclic = { cyclic = {CYCLIC}, note = "cyclical tables are printed as just {CYCLIC}" }, hello = "repr", isEasyToUse = true, mixed = { "a", "sequence", with = "key-value pairs" }, sequence = { "a", "sequence", "table" }, subTables = { moreInfo = "Calls itself recursively on sub-tables" }, usefulness = 100, usesToString = __tostring functions are called automatically }
This function generates a string representation of a function invocation.
Basic syntax:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRepr.invocationRepr{funcName = functionName, args = functionArgs} </syntaxhighlight>
Full syntax:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRepr.invocationRepr{funcName = functionName, args = functionArgs, options = options} </syntaxhighlight>
: The function name. This parameter is required, and must be a string.args
: The function arguments. This should be sequence table. The sequence items can be any Lua value, and will each be rendered using the [[#repr|]] function. This argument is optional.options
: A table of options. The options are the same as for the repr function. This argument is optional.
Examples: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">mRepr.invocationRepr{funcName = "myFunc", args = {"test", 4, true, {"a", "b", "c"}}}</syntaxhighlight>
Result: myFunc("test", 4, true, {"a", "b", "c"})
require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require("libraryUtil") local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local defaultOptions = { pretty = false, tabs = true, semicolons = false, spaces = 4, sortKeys = true, depth = 0, } -- Define the reprRecursive variable here so that we can call the reprRecursive -- function from renderSequence and renderKeyValueTable without getting -- "Tried to read nil global reprRecursive" errors. local reprRecursive local luaKeywords = { ["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true, ["true"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true, } --[[ -- Whether the given value is a valid Lua identifier (i.e. whether it can be -- used as a variable name.) --]] local function isLuaIdentifier(str) return type(str) == "string" -- Must start with a-z, A-Z or underscore, and can only contain -- a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and underscore and str:find("^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") ~= nil -- Cannot be a Lua keyword and not luaKeywords[str] end --[[ -- Render a string representation. --]] local function renderString(s) return (("%q"):format(s):gsub("\\\n", "\\n")) end --[[ -- Render a number representation. --]] local function renderNumber(n) if n == math.huge then return "math.huge" elseif n == -math.huge then return "-math.huge" else return tostring(n) end end --[[ -- Whether a table has a __tostring metamethod. --]] local function hasTostringMetamethod(t) return getmetatable(t) and type(getmetatable(t).__tostring) == "function" end --[[ -- Pretty print a sequence of string representations. -- This can be made to represent different constructs depending on the values -- of prefix, suffix, and separator. The amount of whitespace is controlled by -- the depth and indent parameters. --]] local function prettyPrintItemsAtDepth(items, prefix, suffix, separator, indent, depth) local whitespaceAtCurrentDepth = "\n" .. indent:rep(depth) local whitespaceAtNextDepth = whitespaceAtCurrentDepth .. indent local ret = {prefix, whitespaceAtNextDepth} local first = items[1] if first ~= nil then table.insert(ret, first) end for i = 2, #items do table.insert(ret, separator) table.insert(ret, whitespaceAtNextDepth) table.insert(ret, items[i]) end table.insert(ret, whitespaceAtCurrentDepth) table.insert(ret, suffix) return table.concat(ret) end --[[ -- Render a sequence of string representations. -- This can be made to represent different constructs depending on the values of -- prefix, suffix and separator. --]] local function renderItems(items, prefix, suffix, separator) return prefix .. table.concat(items, separator .. " ") .. suffix end --[[ -- Render a regular table (a non-cyclic table with no __tostring metamethod). -- This can be a sequence table, a key-value table, or a mix of the two. --]] local function renderNormalTable(t, context, depth) local items = {} -- Render the items in the sequence part local seen = {} for i, value in ipairs(t) do table.insert(items, reprRecursive(t[i], context, depth + 1)) seen[i] = true end -- Render the items in the key-value part local keyOrder = {} local keyValueStrings = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do if not seen[k] then local kStr = isLuaIdentifier(k) and k or ("[" .. reprRecursive(k, context, depth + 1) .. "]") local vStr = reprRecursive(v, context, depth + 1) table.insert(keyOrder, kStr) keyValueStrings[kStr] = vStr end end if context.sortKeys then table.sort(keyOrder) end for _, kStr in ipairs(keyOrder) do table.insert(items, string.format("%s = %s", kStr, keyValueStrings[kStr])) end -- Render the table structure local prefix = "{" local suffix = "}" if context.pretty then return prettyPrintItemsAtDepth( items, prefix, suffix, context.separator, context.indent, depth ) else return renderItems(items, prefix, suffix, context.separator) end end --[[ -- Render the given table. -- As well as rendering regular tables, this function also renders cyclic tables -- and tables with a __tostring metamethod. --]] local function renderTable(t, context, depth) if hasTostringMetamethod(t) then return tostring(t) elseif context.shown[t] then return "{CYCLIC}" end context.shown[t] = true local result = renderNormalTable(t, context, depth) context.shown[t] = false return result end --[[ -- Recursively render a string representation of the given value. --]] function reprRecursive(value, context, depth) if value == nil then return "nil" end local valueType = type(value) if valueType == "boolean" then return tostring(value) elseif valueType == "number" then return renderNumber(value) elseif valueType == "string" then return renderString(value) elseif valueType == "table" then return renderTable(value, context, depth) else return "<" .. valueType .. ">" end end --[[ -- Normalize a table of options passed by the user. -- Any values not specified will be assigned default values. --]] local function normalizeOptions(options) options = options or {} local ret = {} for option, defaultValue in pairs(defaultOptions) do local value = options[option] if value ~= nil then if type(value) == type(defaultValue) then ret[option] = value else error( string.format( 'Invalid type for option "%s" (expected %s, received %s)', option, type(defaultValue), type(value) ), 3 ) end else ret[option] = defaultValue end end return ret end --[[ -- Get the indent from the options table. --]] local function getIndent(options) if options.tabs then return "\t" else return string.rep(" ", options.spaces) end end --[[ -- Render a string representation of the given value. --]] local function repr(value, options) checkType("repr", 2, options, "table", true) options = normalizeOptions(options) local context = {} context.pretty = options.pretty if context.pretty then context.indent = getIndent(options) else context.indent = "" end if options.semicolons then context.separator = ";" else context.separator = "," end context.sortKeys = options.sortKeys context.shown = {} local depth = options.depth return reprRecursive(value, context, depth) end --[[ -- Render a string representation of the given function invocation. --]] local function invocationRepr(keywordArgs) checkType("invocationRepr", 1, keywordArgs, "table") checkTypeForNamedArg("invocationRepr", "funcName", keywordArgs.funcName, "string") checkTypeForNamedArg("invocationRepr", "args", keywordArgs.args, "table", true) checkTypeForNamedArg("invocationRepr", "options", keywordArgs.options, "table", true) local options = normalizeOptions(keywordArgs.options) local depth = options.depth options.depth = depth + 1 local items = {} if keywordArgs.args then for _, arg in ipairs(keywordArgs.args) do table.insert(items, repr(arg, options)) end end local prefix = "(" local suffix = ")" local separator = "," local renderedArgs if options.pretty then renderedArgs = prettyPrintItemsAtDepth( items, prefix, suffix, separator, getIndent(options), depth ) else renderedArgs = renderItems(items, prefix, suffix, separator) end return keywordArgs.funcName .. renderedArgs end return { _isLuaIdentifier = isLuaIdentifier, repr = repr, invocationRepr = invocationRepr, }