< User:Badmachine
Revision as of 01:16, 22 July 2015 by Badmachine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Session Start: Wed Jul 15 00:00:00 2015 Session Ident: #wikipedia [00:00:09] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [00:01:12] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) Qu...")
Session Start: Wed Jul 15 00:00:00 2015 Session Ident: #wikipedia [00:00:09] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [00:01:12] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [00:04:37] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [00:05:43] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Client Quit) [00:16:11] * lurkboy ( has joined #wikipedia [00:22:13] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia [00:22:31] * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia [00:32:31] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [00:33:11] * HeroYoojin ( has joined #wikipedia [00:35:05] * Jr_Mime (~Jr_Mime@wikia/vstf/Jr-Mime) has joined #wikipedia [00:35:15] * Jr_Mime (~Jr_Mime@wikia/vstf/Jr-Mime) has left #wikipedia ("Grace") [00:41:10] * enterprisey (enterprise@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia [00:41:35] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia [00:52:22] * Ornacia (drag@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-qhwxgtextfbomweh) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [00:55:22] * Ornacia (drag@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-himkbszvlxfldwfj) has joined #wikipedia [00:55:27] * redforger ( has joined #wikipedia [00:55:27] * redforger ( Quit (Client Quit) [01:01:57] * sealbhach (~shalva@ has joined #wikipedia [01:01:58] * sealbhach (~shalva@ Quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [01:18:13] * HeroYoojin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:23:38] * Eatmeimaredbean (~sb@ has joined #wikipedia [01:31:14] * Eatmeimaredbean (~sb@ has left #wikipedia [01:35:11] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:36:32] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4 [01:37:39] * amdi_ ( Quit (Quit: amdi_) [01:38:03] * amdi_ ( has joined #wikipedia [01:42:29] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:49:07] * IDoH|AfIRC is now known as IDoH [01:49:59] * israelpattison (~israelpat@2607:5300:100:200::7df) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:50:20] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [01:52:49] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [01:58:58] * Finnegan is now known as Finne|sleeo [01:59:00] * Finne|sleeo is now known as Finne|sleep [02:43:44] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [03:03:24] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:08:56] * GEOFBOT|verybusy is now known as GEOFBOT|away [03:13:39] * israelpattison (~israelpat@2607:5300:100:200::7df) has joined #wikipedia [03:15:01] * otto_s_ ( has joined #wikipedia [03:15:33] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia [03:18:20] * otto_s ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [03:19:07] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:19:24] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [03:22:02] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [03:23:56] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [03:34:33] * lurkboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:35:25] * bca (uid1192@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [03:37:35] * Daekdroom (~Daekdroom@unaffiliated/daekdroom) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:40:21] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:46:30] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia [03:51:16] * israelpattison (~israelpat@2607:5300:100:200::7df) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:52:13] * israelpattison (~israelpat@2607:5300:100:200::7df) has joined #wikipedia [03:52:31] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [03:57:12] * enterprisey (enterprise@wikipedia/APerson) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:01:56] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia [04:02:37] * kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:03:40] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [04:03:43] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [04:04:02] * CainJacobi ( Quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:05:51] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) Quit (Disconnected by services) [04:13:11] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [04:32:34] * cosmologic ( has joined #wikipedia [04:32:41] * FastLizard4 is now known as werelizard [04:32:54] * Finne|sleeo ( has joined #wikipedia [04:33:23] * Azure|dc (~Azure@unaffiliated/azure) has joined #wikipedia [04:34:22] * Finne|sleep (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:34:37] * Azure (~Azure@unaffiliated/azure) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:35:04] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:35:46] * amdi_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:49:37] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [04:56:24] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep...) [04:59:43] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [05:04:55] * Enthralled (~Enthralle@unaffiliated/dxdydz) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [05:07:20] * Enthralled (~Enthralle@unaffiliated/dxdydz) has joined #wikipedia [05:07:36] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [05:08:23] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia [05:12:13] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:13:58] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia [05:14:37] * quiddity (~quiddity@wikipedia/quiddity) Quit (Excess Flood) [05:15:17] * quiddity ( has joined #wikipedia [05:15:25] * quiddity is now known as Guest53301 [05:15:35] * Lubaf (~chatzilla@2001:558:6045:e1:c0cc:326a:3a5e:728b) has joined #wikipedia [05:15:49] * Guest53301 ( Quit (Changing host) [05:15:49] * Guest53301 (~quiddity@wikipedia/quiddity) has joined #wikipedia [05:15:52] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia [05:16:55] * Guest53301 is now known as quiddity [05:28:52] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [05:31:15] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [05:34:48] * M132T003C ( has joined #wikipedia [05:34:49] * M132T003C ( Quit (Changing host) [05:34:49] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia [05:37:59] * Far^Side (~farside@unaffiliated/farside/x-7912347) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:41:05] * Far^Side (~farside@unaffiliated/farside/x-7912347) has joined #wikipedia [05:44:10] * satdav (uid15780@firefox/community/satdav) has joined #wikipedia [05:47:54] * aretecode ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:51:10] * aretecode ( has joined #wikipedia [05:53:48] * GEOFBOT|away (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:58:06] * Lubaf (~chatzilla@2001:558:6045:e1:c0cc:326a:3a5e:728b) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324]) [06:06:19] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: Catch y'all later!) [06:07:20] * WaRpAtH (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia [06:08:59] * zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob [06:09:24] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:13:32] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [06:20:34] * penos ( has joined #wikipedia [06:22:07] * penos ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:31:54] * catfox ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [06:36:21] * strainwrld ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:37:03] * catfox ( has joined #wikipedia [06:55:52] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [06:57:50] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [07:00:23] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [07:00:32] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia [07:05:49] * IDoH is now known as IDoH|AfIRC [07:14:40] * werelizard is now known as FastLizard4 [07:28:09] * strainwrld ( has joined #wikipedia [07:29:16] * RD2 (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia [07:29:17] * CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob [07:29:49] * RD (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [07:34:28] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia [07:35:50] * Trustable ( has joined #wikipedia [07:35:55] * Trustable ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:36:50] * Trustable ( has joined #wikipedia [07:54:36] * Finne|sleep (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia [07:56:05] * Finne|sleeo ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [07:57:24] * kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has joined #wikipedia [08:07:19] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) has joined #wikipedia [08:14:50] * WaRpAtH (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [08:26:25] * Aeon (~ascend@unaffiliated/aerides) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:27:00] * Aerides (~ascend@unaffiliated/aerides) has joined #wikipedia [08:31:33] * strainwrld ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:35:06] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Quit: I can’t believe that my huge beautiful wife did the birth of the dreaded Laramie.) [08:43:59] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [08:44:15] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [08:47:43] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [08:47:47] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [08:48:39] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:50:31] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [08:51:23] * natuur12|ZzZ is now known as natuur12 [08:57:15] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [08:58:41] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia [09:02:09] * kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [09:14:23] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) has joined #wikipedia [09:18:18] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [09:20:29] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:22:05] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia [09:22:50] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:23:31] * Oz_ (Oz_@wikipedia/Inter) Quit [09:29:42] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [09:37:49] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia [09:39:19] * obXiDeJSFQ (~obXiDeJSF@unaffiliated/obxidejsfq) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [09:40:09] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) has joined #wikipedia [09:46:01] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ [09:59:10] * kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has joined #wikipedia [09:59:22] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) has joined #wikipedia [10:06:09] * Betal (~Betal@unaffiliated/betal) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [10:07:42] * obXiDeJSFQ ( has joined #wikipedia [10:08:17] * araname (~androirc@wikimedia/Araname) has joined #wikipedia [10:08:25] * araname (~androirc@wikimedia/Araname) has left #wikipedia [10:16:01] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:21:55] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) has joined #wikipedia [10:24:29] * L235 is now known as L235|travel [10:31:26] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia [10:32:23] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [10:37:10] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:38:17] * aretecode ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [10:40:03] * money (670ac5c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia [10:40:43] <money> hello [10:41:59] <money> I've found a scam link in , maybank[dot]com is a scam website (according to Maybank2u link) [10:42:05] * aretecode ( has joined #wikipedia [10:52:28] * Tux[Qyou] (~Tux@ has joined #wikipedia [11:06:56] * money (670ac5c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed) [11:20:44] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [11:26:03] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@ has joined #wikipedia [11:26:03] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@ Quit (Changing host) [11:26:03] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@unaffiliated/zupoman) has joined #wikipedia [11:30:26] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [11:30:47] * quiddity_ ( has joined #wikipedia [11:31:21] * farside__ ( has joined #wikipedia [11:31:27] * Falcorian1 (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia [11:31:48] * Cust0sLim3n (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n) has joined #wikipedia [11:32:27] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:33:12] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia [11:33:39] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia [11:36:54] * quiddity (~quiddity@wikipedia/quiddity) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:36:55] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:36:55] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@unaffiliated/zupoman) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:36:56] * Far^Side (~farside@unaffiliated/farside/x-7912347) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:36:56] * CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:36:56] * CoJaBo_ (~aztec@unaffiliated/cojabo) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:39:32] * wm-bot4 (wm-bot@wikimedia/bot/wm-bot) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:40:26] * wm-bot4 (wm-bot@wikimedia/bot/wm-bot) has joined #wikipedia [11:40:29] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:46:57] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [11:49:15] * HRJ_ (uid60545@gateway/web/ has joined #wikipedia [11:56:39] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [11:58:06] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) Quit (Quit: When you put 'THE' and 'IRS' together, it forms 'THEIRS'.) [11:58:09] * kf8 (~Thunderbi@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:59:55] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [12:07:11] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia [12:09:24] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:12:19] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia [12:18:31] * DangSunM|cloud (uid13042@wikimedia/DangSunM) has joined #wikipedia [12:20:32] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [12:23:11] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [12:25:15] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:30:31] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:31:46] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@unaffiliated/zupoman) has joined #wikipedia [12:34:30] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia [12:37:15] * juboxi ( has joined #wikipedia [12:39:03] * jubo2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [12:40:28] * juboxi is now known as jubo2 [12:40:45] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia [12:50:48] * RD2 is now known as RD [12:59:54] * Dynamicwork (~dynamicwo@wikipedia/Dynamicwork) has joined #wikipedia [13:01:16] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:04:59] * prospernow ( has joined #wikipedia [13:26:41] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F [13:34:30] * Finne|sleep is now known as Finnegan [13:38:21] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [13:44:20] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [13:46:29] * satdav (uid15780@firefox/community/satdav) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [13:47:37] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [13:51:16] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) has joined #wikipedia [13:51:47] * wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander) has joined #wikipedia [13:57:23] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [13:59:29] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away [14:01:29] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F [14:03:54] * quiddity_ ( Quit (Changing host) [14:03:54] * quiddity_ (~quiddity@wikipedia/quiddity) has joined #wikipedia [14:03:54] * quiddity_ is now known as quiddity [14:09:03] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ has joined #wikipedia [14:11:15] * Daekdroom (~Daekdroom@unaffiliated/daekdroom) has joined #wikipedia [14:12:04] * prospernow ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:13:38] * tubuliferous_ (~tubulifer@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:14:02] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [14:23:46] * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) Quit (Quit: audi) [14:26:13] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [14:26:17] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [14:27:18] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) has joined #wikipedia [14:34:18] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:35:01] * lucyinthesky (~lucyinthe@unaffiliated/lucyinthesky) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:35:16] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia [14:35:46] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [14:36:22] * [H]unt3r (~H]unt3r@ has joined #wikipedia [14:53:36] * the-wub (~the_wub@ has joined #wikipedia [14:53:36] * the-wub (~the_wub@ Quit (Changing host) [14:53:36] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia [15:18:44] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:20:14] * alantz ( has joined #wikipedia [15:22:06] * Falcorian1 (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [15:23:56] * IDoH|AfIRC is now known as IDoH [15:24:51] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) has joined #wikipedia [15:28:07] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [15:34:44] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [15:35:30] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:36:32] * goldkatze (~nobody@unaffiliated/goldkatze) has joined #wikipedia [15:37:46] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) has joined #wikipedia [15:38:09] * goldkatze (~nobody@unaffiliated/goldkatze) Quit (Client Quit) [15:40:41] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia [15:45:22] * DangSunM|cloud (uid13042@wikimedia/DangSunM) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [15:51:37] * Guest2031 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) has joined #wikipedia [15:54:16] * sergio_ (58018d4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia [15:54:17] <sergio_> Hi [15:54:28] <sergio_> is there anybody here? [15:54:39] * sergio_ is now known as Guest22228 [15:56:22] * HRJ_ (uid60545@gateway/web/ Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [15:56:39] * Guest22228 (58018d4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit) [15:59:13] * vegas ( has joined #wikipedia [16:04:07] * meoblast001 ( has joined #wikipedia [16:06:01] * CainJacobi ( has joined #wikipedia [16:07:30] * CainJacobi ( Quit (Client Quit)