
< Template:PDFlink
Revision as of 16:52, 7 December 2006 by Centiare (talk | contribs)
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This is the template documentation page for {{PDFlink}}.
It is not intended to be viewed directly. If it uses variables, some links may appear broken. Do not replace these variables with hardcoded page names or URLs.


Highlighting that a link points to a PDF document (on some systems PDF files may take time to download and display within the browser, and their use on many websites is not compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).


The following lines:

{{PDFlink|[http://www.example.com/Link.pdf Link]}}
{{PDFlink|[http://www.example.com/Link.pdf Link]|32&nbsp;[[KiB]]}}



Note: It was previously possible to add the icon with {{PDFlink}} by itself, but the functionality has been changed and this no longer works in Internet Explorer. You must surround it with the template as shown above.


As the template uses unnamed parameters, links containing = or | will cause the link to not display at all. The two workarounds to this limitation are to replace the entity with an indirect character reference as &#61; and &#124;, respectively, or to use the numbered parameter (1= and 2=) for each parameter.


  • {{PDFlink|[http://www.com/bla?a=xy|Link.pdf Link to a PDF]|32KB}}
  • {{PDFlink|[http://www.com/bla?a&#61;xy&#124;Link.pdf Link to a PDF]|32KB}}
  • {{PDFlink|1=[http://www.com/bla?a=xy&#124;Link.pdf Link to a PDF]|2=32KB}}

See also