Differential logic
Differential logic is the component of logic whose object is the successful description of variation — for example, the aspects of change, difference, distribution, and diversity — in universes of discourse that are subject to logical description. In formal logic, differential logic treats the principles that govern the use of a differential logical calculus, that is, a formal system with the expressive capacity to describe change and diversity in logical universes of discourse.
A simple example of a differential logical calculus is furnished by differential propositional calculus. This augments ordinary propositional calculus in the same way that the differential calculus of Leibniz and Newton augments the analytic geometry of Descartes.
Texts in preparation
- See Talk:Differential logic for discussions/comments regarding this article.
- See Differential logic/Aficionados for those who have listed Differential logic as an interest.
- See Talk:Differential logic/Aficionados for discussions regarding this interest.
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