Talk:Titoism and Totalitarianism

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European Public Hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes"

It follows thusly: Example on page 53:

4.2.2. fake trials

In June 1945 group trials began against actual and imaginary opponents of the Communist system, particularly against representatives of cooperatives, banks and the economy. The authorities carried out numerous trials (Bozic, Rupnik/Rozman, Bitenc) to compromise representatives of political opposition and the Catholic Church. Following the Soviet example, in summer 1947 the Slovene Party staged a great Stalinist political trial, the so-called Nagode trial (named after the first accused, Crtomir Nagode) in which 15 people were accused of treason and spying for Anglo-Americans. In May 1947, the Slovene secret police, the UDBA, arrested 32 highly educated intellectuals. Among them were Crtomir Nagode, Ljubo Sirc, Leon Kavcnik, Boris Furlan, Zoran Hribar, Angela Vode, Metod Kumelj, Pavla Hocevar, Svatopluk Zupan, Bogdan Stare, Metod Pirc, Vid Lajovic, Franjo Sirc, Elizabeta Hribar.

More examples:


In the greater part of this paper, the author deals with individual repressive measures that Communist rule imposed in Slovenia in the period from the end of the war in 1945 until the beginning of the 1950s. In this period, the Communist authorities in Slovenia implemented all the forms of repression that were typical of states with Stalinist regimes. In Slovenia, it was a time of mass killings without court trials, and of concentration and labour camps. Property was confiscated, inhabitants were expelled from Slovenia/Yugoslavia and their residences, political and show trials were carried out, religion was repressed and the Catholic Church and its clergy were persecuted. At the beginning of the 1950s, Communist rule in Slovenia abandoned these forms of repression but was ready to reapply them if it felt threatened. Thus the regime set up political and show trials against certain more visible opponents later. In the case of an “emergency situation”, even the establishment of concentration camps was planned in Slovenia in 1968, where around 1,000 persons, of whom 10 % were women, would be interned for political reasons. Page 161

  • Mass killings without court trials:

(a) The Communist repression in Slovenia reached its peak in the first months after the war ended in 1945 with the carrying out of mass killings without court trials of so-called “national enemies”. As already implied in the term “killings without a court trial”, these were killings carried out without any proceedings before a court and without establishing the guilt of the individual victims.

(b) This happened despite the fact that military courts existed in those times in Slovenia that could judge alleged perpetrators of war crimes and other criminal acts in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Military Courts of the Supreme Headquarters of the National Liberation Army and POJ (Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia – PDY) of 24 May 1944. According to this regulation, which was still applicable during those times, only military courts were competent to issue death sentences. By implementing killings without a court trial, the Slovenian Communist authorities also grossly violated their own regulations on criminal justice. page 63

Page 154 Milko Mikola/Chapter: Communist Concentration Camps & Labour Camps in Slovenia

4. Survey of concentration camps in Slovenia (a former republic of Yugoslavia) in 1945.

4.1. Concentration camps for members of the German national minority

– Strnisce near Ptuj

– Hrastovec near Sv. Lenart in Slovenske gorice

– Studenci near Maribor

– Brestrnica near Maribor

– Kamnica near Maribor

– Tezno near Maribor

– Teharje near Celje

4.2. Concentration camps for members of the Hungarian national minority

– Filovci in Prekmurje

– Hrastovec near Sv. Lenart in Slovenske gorice

– Strnišče near Ptuj

4.3. Concentration camps for members of the Slovenian Home-guard

– Teharje near Celje

– Skofovi zavodi in St. Vid nad Ljubljano

– Skofja Loka

5. Survey of concentration camps in Slovenia from 1945 to 1951

5.1. Camps for forced labour – penal camps (1945–46)

– Kocevje

– Teharje near Celje

– Studenci near Maribor

– Brestrnica near Maribor

5.2. Camps for correctional labour – working groups (1949–51)

– Strnisce near Ptuj

– Kocevje

– Rogoza near Maribor

– Prestranek near Postojna

– Pšata near Ljubljana

– Inlauf near Borovec in Kocevsko

5.3. Camps for socially beneficial labour – working groups (1949–51)

– Strnisce near Ptuj

– Litostroj, Ljubljana

– Zale, Ljubljana

- Medvode

– Moste near Zirovnica

– Rajndol near Kocevje

– Ferdrenk in Kocevsko

– Skofja Loka

– Rajhenburg

End of Survey

Peter Z. 23:43, 30 April 2010 (UTC)

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