Directory:Allbritton Communications

Revision as of 15:27, 5 March 2007 by OmniMediaGroup (talk | contribs) (The Politico Daily Digest)

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Edwards Sends Video to 70,000 Iowans

Edwards is mailing DVDs to more than 70,000 Iowa households to introduce his plan for universal health care.

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Ann Coulter, You're No Sister Souljah

Conservative opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin says it's time for the GOP to call out Ann Coulter. Tell us if you agree.

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Davis Takes Direct Shot at HRC

The showdown in Selma between Obama and Hillary commenced with a verbal jab by Rep. Artur Davis against HRC and her vote to authorize the Iraq war.

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Romney: Blogs More Open Than Mainstream Media

The former Massachusetts governor, under fire for flip-flopping, says the blogosphere will help him answer the "opposition research" of his rivals.

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Anyone but McCain, Santorum Says

Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum hasn't endorsed a candidate for president - but he knows who he won't back.

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Satellite Radio Merger Partners Pledge Not to Raise Prices

If federal regulators allow the nation’s two satellite radio services to merge, they will not raise prices and even try to lower them. That pledge came Wednesday from Sirius Satellite Radio chief executive officer Mel Karmazin during a series of often sharp exchanges with members of Congress.

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Obama Ruling Could Prove Moot, Backfire

Prompted by Barack Obama, a federal panel Thursday granted unprecedented fundraising flexibility to presidential candidates.

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Coup Against Baca Fizzles

A planned coup against Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joe Baca appeared to fizzle Thursday after details became public.

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