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Summertime Heat and your Horse

When you own horses, you already know that there is a lot of stuff you need to be aware of, and a lot of different conditions that you have to be sure to watch for and to treat for. One of the problems with owning horses is that you can only do so much for them to get them out of the weather. With a dog or a cat, you can take them inside when it is very hot or very cold, but with a horse, you have to make decisions based on what you can do, and usually you only have a barn to take them into. That said, you always have to be aware of how the weather is affecting your animals, and along with other things, you have to be sure that you are watching for heat stress in your horse.

Like other animals, horses can be affected by the extremely hot weather. You want to be sure that your horse always has plenty of shade, and plenty of water, but sometimes this isn’t enough. If you are living somewhere that it is very hot, you have to be sure to take precautions so that your horse isn’t affected by heat stress. There are several things that you can do to make sure that your horse handles the heat as well as he can.

No matter what the temperature is, working is going to make a horse hotter because working makes them use all of their muscles and expand more energy. If your horse is working, he is going to get hotter. Therefore, on very hot days, you have to be sure that you are resting your horse. It is fine to turn him out to pasture, because chances are that he won’t work any harder than he should. However, you are going to want to avoid riding him or making him do any work on very hot days.

Like all other animals, horses need to have fresh and safe water that is there for them at all times. You have to be sure that you are refilling your horse’s water, and that it is kept cool. Warm water isn’t going to be as good for him as cool water will be.

Remember that your horse depends on you to protect him from the heat. Be sure that you have done your research so that you know what the best ways are to keep your horse cool and safe when it is hot outside, and be sure that you follow through with these things so that your horse remains healthy.

Healthy Foods for Healthy Horses.

Like any animal that you own it is very important that you are providing your horse with all of the nutrition that is necessary for good growth and good development. A horse is something that you invest a great deal of time and energy in, and it is something that is going to be very loving and loyal to you. This means that you have to be sure to provide your horse with not just adequate nutrition, but excellent nutrition.

Remember that having a good horse feed is something that is important. You want to research your particular breed of horses and see what kind of diet they will do best on. Another thing to keep in mind is not only what kind of breed of horse you have, but what their lives are like. Are they racing horses, or working horses, or are they just horses that you keep as pets to ride. Do you show them, or are they simply farm horses? These are all important questions to ask, because the answers to these questions will help you figure out what the best diet is to give your horse.

After you have determined what your expectations are for your horse, and what kind of lives your horses are going to be leading, you can pick out a great feed that is going to bring out the best in them, while giving them great nutrition. There are many places to buy horse food, so you have to be sure that you have a feed dealer that you can trust that will help you make great decisions about what is best to feed your horse. Then you can be sure that you have a good supply of food.

Also, remember that depending on what your horse is doing in his life, the different seasons are going to act differently upon his body. It might become important that you switch his feed or change what you are giving him as far as amounts go, during the different seasons. This is also a question you are going to want to discuss with your vet, and make sure that you are doing what is right for your horse.

An important part of both training your horse and bonding with your horse is what you are giving him for snacks. He will come to love the snacks that you give him, as long as they taste good and are good for him. This means that you should keep a great supply of the snacks that you know your horse loves on hand, and be sure to talk to your vet about what is appropriate for your horse as well.

Fashion Statement? Horse’s Shoes

A horse’s shoe is something that is, of course, put onto their feet. The process doesn’t hurt the horse, because the shoes are attached to the hooves of the horses, and in this manner it doesn’t cause the horse any pain because the horse’s hooves don’t have feeling. They are kind of like our fingernails. The shoes are attached to the hooves, and then they act as the bottoms of the feet.

It is important that you realize just how vital a horse’s shoes are to their lives. In today’s day and age, there is a lot of stuff that can make a horse sick or injured, and a lot of it is going to be found where they are walking. No matter what surface they are walking on, there is going to be germs and other things that can get into their feet and cause them sickness. Also, no matter what your horse is doing for you, they are going to be working hard, and this might cause an un shoed horse to have a cracked hoof or another foot injury.

You should know that if your horse gets a foot injury or an illness in their foot, your likelihood of saving them is not good. Foot injuries are very bad for horses, and if they are too badly injured they are going to have to be put down. Because of this, it is very important that you take all of the precautions necessary to make sure that your horse has the proper shoes and that they are well taken care of.

If you are interested in learning more about your horse’s shoes, you need to be sure that you are contacted someone who can help you out. This is not something that you should be thinking you can take care of on your own, because a horse’s shoe is the best defense that he has against dying young. Because of how important shoes are to a horse’s health, it is never something you should attempt on your own. Be sure that you are finding a vet and someone who can help you with your horse’s shoes, and be sure that you know as much as you can about horse’s health before you get a horse. Remember to have your horse’s feet cared for often, and you will find that you horse will live a longer and happier life in general.

Equine Colic and your Horse

If you have had a horse, chances are that you have heard of the term equine colic before. You have probably done some research into this term, and you have found that when you are talking about equine colic, you are talking about a sign or symptom, and not really an actual diagnosis. The term colic in horses refers to any different type of abdominal pain, and this is usually the result of some other sickness in your horse. So, if your horse is exhibiting equine colic, it means that something else is wrong with him. Some of the things that might be wrong with your horse are small problems that will pass on their own, but some of them might be more serious complications that could require surgery and, if left untreated, could result in the death of your horse.

If you choose to go with surgery you are going to find that it is usually very expensive. This is why colic results in death of so many horses, because sometimes you are not able to know what is wrong with your horse and you don’t get it treated. You have to be sure that you recognize the symptoms so that you and your vet can make a good decision regarding whether or not to do surgery.

There are several symptoms that are associated with equine colic, and it is important that you and anyone else who is working with your horses recognize these symptoms. Because of the wide variety of things that might be wrong with your horse, it is important that the colic is recognized right away and diagnosed so it can be treated.

Some of the symptoms include a horse’s reluctance to eat anything, which is going to indicate a problem. If your horse doesn’t eat, you need to talk to a vet. Also, if the horse is looking at their side, or even turning or nipping at their sides, it might indicate that they are trying to solve their own problems. If your horse is kicking at their abdomen, or pawing their front legs or stomping their feet, this is also indicating that there is pain in your horse and he doesn’t know what to do about it. If your horse looks like he is stretching abnormally while he is trying to go to the bathroom, there is also a problem. If your horse lies down and rolls and thrashes and then does not get up and shake off right away, this is indicating that there is a big problem with your horse. Also, if your horse is sweating after light exercise, curling his lip excessively, has cool extremities, lacks bowel movements, or has a higher pulse or respiratory rate, this is going to indicate that there is something wrong with your horse. See a vet immediately for treatment of colic.

Alternative Medical Care for your Horse

If you are looking to keep your horse happy and healthy, you might be looking into several different types of horse care. There are plenty of alternative medical care faculties besides for the normal, run of the mill vet. You might be considering several of these other therapies for your horse, for whatever reason. If you are interested in these, it is usually best to ask your vet what they feel about them, and then be sure to do some research. Usually the alternative medical care is given in cases where the horse’s life is not at stake because this is a situation in which the alternative care is helping your horse to have a better life, and not necessarily trying to save its life. There are some situations in which you might want to explore alternative care if your horse has been in an accident and your vet has said the best thing to do is to put the horse down. However, the most popular alternative care is care that you wouldn’t normally associate with horse care.

Like humans, horses have muscles that work very hard. In recent times, a movement has begun where people have gotten trained in animal massage and acupuncture. The idea is that these things can help human muscles in a variety of ways, so it might be a good idea to try them out on animals as well. You might find that with both of these your horse is generally more happy, because they are often helping your horse with things that your horse might not even know are wrong, and things that you might not be able to tell bug your horse or cause it discomfort.

With these therapies, it is important that you contact someone who has been trained in them, and someone who can do this very well, and who has done it for many other animals. This is a relatively new area, so you want to make sure that you are getting the best of the best, and that you aren’t running into problems by having someone who is not professional at what they do.

In other situations, ones that are more serious, a decision to explore alternative therapies is something that should be made between you and your family and your vet. There are alternative therapies that might help your animal if your vet has said there is no hope because of injury or sickness, but you always have to keep your animal’s best interest at heart and make sure that they aren’t going to suffer needlessly.

Healthy Horse Weight

There are many things that you have to be concerned with when you are raising animals. In general, animals should always follow certain paths and should do certain things, and as an animal owner you have to be sure that you are watching for these things and taking steps to correct things that might be going wrong. You want to be sure that you are doing whatever you can to insure that your animal is being raised healthily, and being raised in a way that makes him into the best animal you can have. A horse is something that you have to pay close attention to, because there are so many things that could go wrong. If you haven’t been around horses, you should get some horse books and read up on them because if you don’t’ know what things to watch out for, you might not be able to tell when something is wrong.

A horse’s weight is going to be an indication of how healthy they are. There are different breeds of horses, and different sizes as well, but whenever you have a horse at your home, you should find out what their ideal weight is, and then you should make a habit of weighing your horse about once a week or so. If your horse has any change in their weight, you might be looking at some kind of problem. If a horse drops a lot of weight in a week, it is going to mean that something is wrong, and you are going to want to seek vet attention right away.

With horses, sicknesses can happen very fast, and they can get too ill to save before you even have noticed that anything is wrong. Even a small amount of weight change during a week can indicate a problem before the problem is full blown, so if you are weighing your horse on a regular basis, you’ll be able to tell if there is a problem maybe even before you would be able to tell otherwise. If you are able to weight your horse regularly, you are going to have a much better chance of catching anything that goes wrong, and in this way you could actually save your horse’s life. It is very important to have a horse scale that you can have in your barn so that you can check your horse’s weight periodically. You should weigh him more often if you think there might be a problem.

Keeping your Horse Safe when Riding

One of the best parts about owning a horse is getting to ride it. Horses that are well trained and happy are great to ride, and for the most part horses enjoy being ridden as well. You are going to want to spend lots of time working with your horse to make sure that he understands what you want and how it feels when you ride him. You are also going to want to spend a lot of time just being with your horse, because bonding is a great way to make your rides even smoother. However, while you are riding your horse, there are several things that you are going to want to do to make sure that he stays safe and healthy so that you can continue to ride him for a long time to come.

One thing that you have to be sure of when you are riding your horse, is that you are never asking too much of him. You have to be sure that he is always comfortable doing what you ask him to do, and you have to be sure that you are comfortable with what he does. This is very important, because if you are not comfortable you are going to find that both you and your horse might be forced to take chances, and this is not going to be good for either of you. It can be very dangerous, and so you want to be sure that you never have a horse do something he isn’t comfortable with.

When you are riding your horse, you are going to want to be sure to always only use the things that are sanctioned for use with horses. Be sure that the equipment you are using is strong and isn’t going to fall apart, and make sure that you are able to attach the saddle and the other pieces to him so that you know they are done correctly and aren’t going to hurt him at all.

The last thing that you need to do when you are riding your horse to make sure that he stays safe is to always be careful where you are going, and to always watch the terrain to make sure that you aren’t doing anything that might be dangerous for your horse. You always want to be sure you aren’t leading your horse somewhere that he could hurt himself.

Horses and the West Nile Threat

West Nile Virus is a very real danger for most mammals, including humans. If you have a horse, you could be at even more risk, since farm animals are very susceptible to this disease. In most cases, the West Nile virus is transmitted through mosquito bites, and in many cases, this disease is fatal. As your horse’s caregiver, it is your responsibility to protect your horse from the West Nile virus and to treat your horse is he or she becomes infected. Remember, owning a horse is a huge responsibility. Horses are just like children—they often cannot care for themselves, so it is your job to provide your horse with everything he or she needs, including treatment when sick.

First, consider vaccinating your horse to prevent West Nile virus. The vaccination for this disease was released in 2003 and can really protect horses, especially those at a high risk for contracting West Nile virus. There are some downfalls as well, however, such as the cost. By talking to your vet, you can learn how often your horse will need the shot and how much it will cost. If you have insurance for your horse, these costs may be covered.

Killing the mosquitoes found in your neighborhood is also a crucial way to protect your horse from developing West Nile virus. To do this without introducing harmful chemicals into the environment, discourage mosquitoes from breeding in the first place. Remove trash and other places where standing water is a problem, and talk to your vet about natural mosquito repellents. Fans also help to deter the mosquito population, and at the very least, don’t turn on lights in the bard or stables after the sun has gone down when possible.

Remember to protect yourself as well. Humans can also get the West Nile virus, and so if you take care of your horse, it is crucial to recognize this danger. Wearing long clothing and using bug spray, especially in the evening, can prevent mosquitoes from biting. You can also put up screens in the doors to the barn if the problem is very bad.

Mosquitoes are most active dusk to dawn, and so your horse will have less of a chance of being bitten if you stay inside during the evening and night. Although a night ride may be fun, if the mosquito population in your area is high, it is best to stay indoors. If you are unsure about how to prevent mosquito bites and your horse seems to have an abundance of them, talk to you vet. Keeping your horse safe should be a number one priority.

Hormones and Drugs for Stallions

Knowing what to give your stallions when it comes to hormones and drugs is very important. You are going to want to know several things before you get started dealing with your stallions and hormones or other drugs, so you should be talking to a vet or another horse expert to see what they have to say about these things before you start. Hormones and other drugs can be very useful, but also unnatural and dangerous, so consider your options carefully.

First of all, it is important for you to think about what are good hormones and other drugs, and what are bad. If you are considering using hormones and drugs so that your horses are stronger or faster for racing or working, you should know that this is very dangerous to do and is going to have the potential of making your horse sick or even killing your horse. Also, if you are involved in horse racing, giving your horse drugs of any kind is usually illegal anyway.

However, there are good hormones and drugs that you might consider giving your stallion for many different reasons other than simply making them faster and stronger.

First, there are hormones and drugs that you can give your horses that will help them to replace something in their body that they aren’t getting from what you are feeding them. If you know that your feed has some kind of deficiency, you are going to want to consider giving them hormones or drugs to replace these. Talk to your vet first, to determine what is good for your horse, and if you can, you should change your food before you give your animals drugs to replace things. These types of hormones work in the same way that many supplements for humans work.

Also, you might sometimes need to give your stallion’s hormones or other drugs in order to keep them healthy. This should always be at the discretion of your vet, and you have to make sure that you understand why your horse is being given these drugs.

If your horse has a condition that requires you give him hormones or other drugs on a regular basis, you might want to learn how to do this yourself so that you can do it without a vet trip. Make sure that your vet shows you the proper technique, and be sure that you know exactly what you are doing before you do it.

When your Mare has a Foul

Helping a mare through pregnancy can be any extremely rewarding experience, but remember that it is also a lot of hard work. If you’ve decided to allow your mare to become pregnant, make sure that you can be responsible for this medical condition, as well as an extra life. Breeding horses is a great career if you have the time and effort.

First and foremost, mares are pregnant longer than women. In general, a mare will carry her foul for about 11 months. During this time, care and regular checkups from a vet are crucial. You may even want to find a vet specializing in this particular field. As your mare’s due date approaches, make sure to keep a watchful eye. Keep your vet’s number on hand and call whenever the horse goes into labor so that the vet can arrive to help with the birth. In some cases, a vet may not be needed, but if you are inexperienced, or if the birth takes longer than a half hour, you vet should come to help with the birth.

Cleanliness is important. You don’t have to hose out the entire barn and use a disinfectant, but make sure that you can clean bedding in a clean stall available for your mare. Also, it is important to tie up the horse’s tail so that it doesn’t get in the way. Don’t tie this too tightly, and leave it free was soon as the birth is over. Of course, after the birth, rinse the mare’s hindquarters and remove any soiled bedding, replacing it with fresh bedding.

If you see anything unusual going on with the birth, it is best to call you vet right away. Remember, a horse birth will look very different from a human birth, so before you mare goes into labor, make sure that you talk to your vet about what to expect. Afterwards, it is also important to let the mare care for the foul. Instinct will lead a mare to do the proper things for her new baby, and interfering may confuse or anger the horse. Keep your distance, and if you think something may be wrong, call the vet.

You new addition to the family should be walking and drinking milk from the mare rather quickly. Remember, this is a very tender time in both horses’ lives. Keeping them away from other animals for the first week or two may be a good idea. Afterwards, it is best to talk to your vet about the vaccinations and special food your foul may need to grow strong and healthy.

White Line Disease

Because of the interesting nature that horse’s have, they don’t get sick as often as other animals. However, because of the way that their bodies work, and the fact that they spend most, if not all of their lives standing, and aren’t able to lie down for lengths of time without getting sick, the fact remains clear that their hooves are very important, and most of the common horse diseases have to do with the horses hooves. This is why your horse’s shoes are very important, and why the most important part of horse care is making sure their hooves are able to withstand the normal wear and tear of life.

One of the most common ailments in a horse’s hooves is called white line disease. It attacks the part of the foot where the hoof actually meets the foot, and starts as a simple white line that might not look very serious. However, this white line is actually a deterioration of the hoof itself, and you are going to find that if you don’t notice this in time, it will start to eat away at the hoof of your horse, and will cause him great pain. If you still don’t catch it and fix the problem, your horse will go lame, and you might be forced to put him down.

The actual disease is bacteria that is slowly eating away at your horse’s hoofs. The only way to stop it is to apply medicine and make sure that your horse’s hooves are filed down to the point where they are no longer affected. If the disease has progressed, you will find that this is even harder to do.

One of the best ways to prevent this is the same way that is used to prevent the other common horse diseases, and that is to always make sure your horse is living in a safe, warm, dry and clean area, where they don’t have to worry about bacteria.

Of course, there are other diseases that are also common in horses, such as colic and other colds and flu that you might find your horse getting. As usual, the best way to care for your horse is to prevent your horse from getting sick in the first place, and the best way that you can do this is to make sure that they are living somewhere that is clean and comfortable, and that you are a diligent owner who takes the time to make sure there are no places bacteria can grow.

Unfriendly Friends of your Horse: Parasites

When you own animals, your main responsibility is to make sure that they are healthy and that their lives are full of joy and happiness, and not sorrow and pain. One of the things that will allow you to do this with any animal is to make sure that you are providing them with a safe and comfortable place that is clean and free of germs to live their lives. With your horse, there is no exception to the rule. It is often hard for horses to get sick if they are properly taken care of, but if you find yourself or your horse with a dirty stall or a living quarters that is not up to snuff, you might find that parasites are abound, and when it comes to your horse, parasites are not good at all.

When you have a horse, you know that he is naturally strong, and usually won’t have any complaints for you. As long as he has a safe and warm place to live in the cold months, and shelter from the heat in the hot months, and as long as you provide him with food and water that is clean and safe, he’ll be able to be your companion and work for you for years and years. Horses can be very loyal and they can be great animals to keep, as long as you do it right.

However, if you aren’t providing your horse with a clean living space, you are going to find that your horse might have a problem with parasites. This is something that can be very real, and can be very dangerous for your horse. You have to be sure that you aren’t giving your horse any chances to get parasites, which is why it is so important to keep your horse’s living quarters clean and free of debris.

The most common parasites are going to happen when your horse is living in a place that is dirty or not cleaned regularly. These parasites are going to live in the feces of your horse, and if your horse steps in them, he will be able to bring them right back into his body. Also, if your horse’s stall is dirty and not taken care of, this is a breeding ground for parasites, and they will have a chance to attack your horse. If your horse gets parasites, you’ll need to talk to your vet about the best way to help your horse before they get really sick.

Cleanliness and your Horse's Health

One of the most important factors in how healthy your horse ends up being is cleanliness. You might not believe it, but it is something that is completely true. In order to have your horse live a very healthy life style, it needs to be able to maintain a life in which it is clean and in which it can have access to all of the things that help it to be happy and healthy.

When you have a horse, you are going to want to work hard to make sure he is happy. This means that he needs to have fresh straw and food, as well as fresh water. You also have to be sure that you are providing your horse with plenty of room to run, and plenty of rest when he has been working. All of these things are important, but they are also impacted by one single factor – the cleanliness of the stable and your horse in general. Not having a clean area, and not having a clean life can lead to all kinds of problems within all aspects of your horse. If his food and water are not fresh and clean, he is going to have health problems. If his stall is not clean, he is in danger of developing other illnesses as well. Overall cleanliness is very important if you want your horse to be as happy and healthy as he could be.

Remember, there are many factors that you have to consider when you are looking at your horse’s cleanliness and his health. The food and water must be clean and fresh, but this does no good if you don’t provide them in containers that are also clean. If you are giving your horse clean food and water in dirty containers, he is going to get sick.

His stall also must be clean at all times, and this is something that only you can do. Even if you hire someone to clean out your stalls, you have to be sure that the person you have hired is doing the right work. It simply does no good for your horse to be living in dirty quarters.

Along with this, you have to be sure that you are grooming and cleaning your horse as often as he needs to be groomed and cleaned. This is something that is more vital than you could possible imagine, because if your horse isn’t clean himself, he isn’t going to be very happy.

Bones and Muscles: Horse Anatomy

When you have a horse, it is very important that you understand several basic parts of horse anatomy to be sure that you are caring for your horse in the best way possible. You can do this through studying on your own or you can talk to your vet to learn the very basics.

First of all, you should know that laying down is very hard on your horse. Horse’s bodies are not meant to lay down for long periods of time, which is why you need to know that if your horse is laying down, there is something wrong with him. If a horse lays down for any amount of time they are risking damaging their internal organs, so if you see your horse laying down, you have to be sure to call your vet immediately, because it is an emergency.

Your horse’s legs are the most important part of his body. Not only do they carry all of his weight, and support him while he is sleeping or while he is awake, but they are very thin and are easy to damage. If a horse gets a broken leg, there is going to be a lot of problems because he won’t be able to lie down to mend it, which means that the mending process can be quite painful. What this means for you is that you have to be sure to always, always take care of your horse’s legs and feet at all times. This is very important as a horse owner.

Another thing that you have to be sure to take care of when it comes to your horse’s anatomy is his skin and his coat. These are things that you have to focus on because they keep out a lot of problems and keep your horse happy and healthy. This means that you have to be sure to focus on these things. You should be grooming your horse each day, and especially should be grooming him after each time you ride him. You always want to be sure that you are doing the best that you can do to care for all aspects of your horse.

It is also important to note that a horse has a very advanced heart and lung system that can allow them to keep running or walking for along time. This doesn’t mean that your horse never needs to rest; it simply means that you can exercise your horse more than you are going to be able to exercise yourself! Keep all of these things in mind if you own a horse.

Baby Horses: Caring for Fouls

Whenever you have little ones that enter your life or the life of your animal, there is going to be some excitement. Caring for fouls is a very important part of raising horses, and it is something that you should know a lot about right form the get go.

First of all, you have to make sure that you have tended to the mother before she gives birth. You want to be sure that you are feeding her a food that is going to help her maintain good health, and that you are giving her things that help her to gain the strength as well as the nutrients that she is going to need to be the kind of mother she should be. You are going to want to make sure that you talk to a vet if you have never taken care of a mother horse before, and you are going to be sure that you get a vet’s advice if you have never had a foul before.

When the time comes for the foul to be born, you want to help as much as you can, but mostly you want to stay out of the way. There are some circumstances where you are going to have to help, which is why it is important that you talk to a vet about what is normal for a horse giving birth and what is not normal, and you need to make sure that you understand how to tell what is normal and not. Then, you want to be there, but at a distance, and you need to be ready to help if the mother needs it. You should have prepared for this by talking to your vet and by having things on hand that you might need.

When it comes time for the mother to give birth, if you don’t ‘need to help you still want to be on hand just in case. Then, you should be able to witness her and foul and watch what happens next. With fouls, as well as with other animals, if at all possible you want to leave the mother and the baby to do the things that they have to do. Animals have been doing this for a long time and it will often go best if you let them alone. If you have to help, try to be as discrete as possible, and be sure to do only the things that you absolutely know how to do.



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  • Q. Has West Nile virus caused severe illness or death in horses?<a href="#hdng0">(More...)</a>

  • Although horses can pass diseases to people, you are not likely to get sick from touching or owning them.<a href="#hdng1">(More...)</a>

  • The Commission serves as an advocate for wild horses through participation with federal agencies to ensure that sufficient habitat is available for wild horse populations.<a href="#hdng2">(More...)</a>

  • Equine Infectious Anemia Equine Infectious Anemia - EIA is a viral disease of members of the horse family.<a href="#hdng3">(More...)</a>

<a name="hdng0"></a>Q. Has West Nile virus caused severe illness or death in horses? A. Yes, while data suggest that most horses infected with West Nile virus recover, results of investigations indicate that West Nile virus has caused deaths in horses in the United States. Q. How do the horses become infected with West Nile virus? A. The same way humans become infected'by the bite of infectious mosquitoes. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. How long will a horse infected with West Nile virus be infectious? A. We do not know if an infected horse can be infectious (i.e., cause mosquitoes feeding on it to become infected).<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. How does the virus cause severe illness or death in horses? A. Following transmission by an infected mosquito, West Nile virus multiplies in the horse's blood system, crosses the blood brain barrier, and infects the brain.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. Can a horse infected with West Nile virus infect horses in neighboring stalls? A. No. There is no documented evidence that West Nile virus is transmitted between horses.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. What is the treatment for a horse infected with West Nile virus? Should it be destroyed? A. There is no reason to destroy a horse just because it has been infected with West Nile virus.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. My horse is vaccinated against eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), western equine encephalitis (WEE), and Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE). Will these vaccines protect my horse against West Nile virus infection? A. No. EEE, WEE, and VEE belong to another family of viruses for which there is no cross-protection.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Q. Can I vaccinate my horse against West Nile virus infection? A. A West Nile virus vaccine for horses is available through veterinarians. Horse owners throughout the U.S. should consider vaccinating their equines.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

Q. Where can I get more information on horses and West Nile virus? A. Visit the USDA Web site Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> There is no documented evidence of person-to-person or animal-to-person transmission of West Nile virus. Normal veterinary infection control precautions should be followed when caring for a horse suspected to have this or any viral infection.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Horses with suspected West Nile virus should be isolated from mosquito bites, if at all possible.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The virus is located in the mosquito's salivary glands. When mosquitoes bite or "feed" on the horse, the virus is injected into its blood system.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

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<a name="hdng1"></a>Although horses can pass diseases to people, you are not likely to get sick from touching or owning them. When you do common chores with horses, such as cleaning stalls, grooming them, and picking out their feet, you are probably touching manure without knowing it. To protect yourself from getting sick, you should thoroughly wash your hands with running water and soap after contact with horses or their manure. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Some people are more likely than others to get diseases from horses. A person's age and health status may affect his or her immune system, increasing the chances of getting sick.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Horses also can carry Cryptosporidium (krip-toe-spo-RID-dee-um). This germ causes the disease cryptosporidiosis (krip-TOE-spo-rid-ee-O-sis) in people.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Horses often carry the bacterium Salmonella. This germ causes salmonellosis (sal-MON-el-oh-sis) in people.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Horses can carry different germs that make people sick. Some of these germs are common and some are rare.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

People who are more likely to get diseases from horses include infants, children younger than 5 years old, organ transplant patients, people with HIV/AIDS, and people being treated for cancer.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Rarely, horses can carry rabies, which is a viral disease that can lead to death.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Salmonella Infection (salmonellosis) Salmonella Infection opnbrktsalmonellosisclsbrkt : A bacterial disease associated with various animals, including horses and other farm animals.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Cryptosporidium Infection (cryptosporidiosis) Cryptosporidium Infection opnbrktcryptosporidiosisclsbrkt : A parasitic disease associated with various animals, including horses.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Campylobacter Infection (campylobacteriosis) Campylobacter Infection opnbrktcampylobacteriosisclsbrkt : A bacterial disease associated with various animals, including horses.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Ringworm: Ringworm: A fungal disease associated various animals, including with horses.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> The horses are split into two main herds, one on the Virginia side and one on the Maryland side of Assateague. The herds are separated by a fence at the Virginia/Maryland State line and the population size of each herd is kept around 150 animals to lessen their impact on island ecology. These herds have divided themselves into bands of two to twelve animals and each band occupies a home range.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> In Maryland, the number of horses has grown from approximately 28 in 1968 to more than 165 at present, exceeding the desired herd size of 120 to 150 animals. With this growth has come increasing evidence that the horses are having a significant negative impact on the dune and salt marsh habitats due to over grazing.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> In Virginia, the internationally famous "Pony Penning" event is responsible for meeting the limit of 150 adult animals. This event began in some form during the late 17th century when unclaimed horses were captured and marked by colonists in the presence of neighbors on a day of fellowship and festivity.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> By establishing a population limit of 120 to 150 animals, the National Park Service is attempting to balance the health and well being of the horses with the need to protect the island's other sensitive natural resources and values.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> Use of the contraceptive as part of a long term horse population management program began in 1994.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a>

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<a name="hdng2"></a>The Commission serves as an advocate for wild horses through participation with federal agencies to ensure that sufficient habitat is available for wild horse populations. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> T he Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses serves to sustain viable herds of wild horses on public lands throughout Nevada.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

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<a name="hdng3"></a>Equine Infectious Anemia Equine Infectious Anemia - EIA is a viral disease of members of the horse family. The equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is categorized as a retrovirus: it contains genetic RNA material, which it uses to produce DNA. This DNA is then incorporated into the genetic makeup of infected cells. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a> Equine Piroplasmosis Equine Piroplasmosis is a disease of Equidae (horses, donkeys, mules, and zebras), and is caused by two parasitic organisms, Babesia equi and Babesia caballi. Although, Equine Piroplasmosis is primarily transmitted to horses by ticks, this bloodborne disease has been spread mechanically from animal to animal by contaminated needles.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a> Contagious Equine Metritis Contagious Equine Metritis (pdf 52kb) - A transmissible, exotic, venereal disease of horses caused by the bacterium Taylorella equigenitalis.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a>

Biosecurity - The Key to Keeping Your Horses Healthy Biosecurity - The Key to Keeping Your Horses Healthy (pdf 811kb) - Information for horse owners to reduce the changes of an infectious disease being carried into a farm by people, animals, equipment, or vehicles.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a> Thoroughbred horses appear to be more severely affected by the disease than other breeds. Because animals may be asymptomatic, the disease is difficult to detect and control.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a>

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<a name="sources"><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('srcs'); return false;" title="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report.">
SELECTED SOURCES<image src="apx4.jpg" alt="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report."></a>

1. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">CDC: West Nile Virus - QA: West Nile Virus and Horses</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

2. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Animals: Horses | CDC Healthy Pets Healthy People</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

3. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Assateague Island National Seashore Wild Horses</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

4. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">State of Nevada - Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

5. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">USDA - APHIS - Animal Health - Horses</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

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