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Here is a statement made by Aleksandar Rankovic, the Interior Minister and the head of the military and secret police of Yugoslavia at a Belgrade Assembly (meeting): {{quote|
Here is a statement made by Aleksandar Rankovic, the Interior Minister and the head of the military and secret police of Yugoslavia at a Belgrade Assembly (meeting): {{quote|
''Through our prisons has passed between 1945 and 1951, 3 777 776 prisoners, while we killed 586 000 enemies of the people.'' Taken from ''Politik''a, Belgrade/1 February 1951 (p.1)  <ref>[čina+počinjenih+od+strane+totalitarnih+režima+su+izvješća+i+postupak+Europske+javne+rasprave+u+organizaciji+slovenskog+predsjedništva+Vijeća&cd=4&hl=hr&ct=clnk&lr=lang_hr&  Communist Crime is not Antifascism] Released on International Human Rights Day, 10 DECEMBER 2008. On behalf of the participants in public meetings Maja Runje, a member of the Steering Committee- Zagreb (p. 19). Article is in Croatian: ''KOMUNISTIČKI ZLOČINI NISU ANTIFAŠIZAM] POVODOM MEĐUNARODNOG DANA LJUDSKIH PRAVA,10. PROSINCA 2008. U ime sudionika javnog okupljanja Maja Runje, članica Koordinacijskog odbora Kruga za trg10 000 Zagreb, Jurjevska 47a (str. 19)'' </ref>}}
''Through our prisons has passed between 1945 and 1951, 3 777 776 prisoners, while we killed 586 000 enemies of the people.'' Taken from ''Politik''a, Belgrade/1 February 1951 (p.1)  <ref>[čina+počinjenih+od+strane+totalitarnih+režima+su+izvješća+i+postupak+Europske+javne+rasprave+u+organizaciji+slovenskog+predsjedništva+Vijeća&cd=4&hl=hr&ct=clnk&lr=lang_hr&  Communist Crime is not Antifascism] Released on International Human Rights Day, 10 DECEMBER 2008. On behalf of the participants in public meetings Maja Runje, a member of the Steering Committee- Zagreb (p. 19). Article is in Croatian: ''KOMUNISTIČKI ZLOČINI NISU ANTIFAŠIZAM] POVODOM MEĐUNARODNOG DANA LJUDSKIH PRAVA,10. PROSINCA 2008. U ime sudionika javnog okupljanja Maja Runje, članica Koordinacijskog odbora Kruga za trg10 000 Zagreb, Jurjevska 47a (str. 19)'' </ref>}}
The findings of the ''"Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia"''  was that there were 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves within [[Slovenia]] a former republic of Yugoslavia. According to the Reports and Proceedings of the [[European Union|European]] Public Hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" , the killings were committed by the Yugoslav Paritsian Army in 1945 and 1946. <ref>[ '''European Public Hearing''' on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" (p163-p164)]</ref><ref>'''Encyclopaedia Britannica''' - Slovenia (a former republic of Yugoslavia):  
The findings of the Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia was that there were 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves within [[Slovenia]] a former republic of Yugoslavia. According to the Reports and Proceedings of the [[European Union|European]] Public Hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" , the killings were committed by the Yugoslav Paritsian Army in 1945 and 1946. <ref>[ '''European Public Hearing''' on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" (p163-p164)]</ref><ref>'''Encyclopaedia Britannica''' - Slovenia (a former republic of Yugoslavia):  
* "After the armistice the British repatriated more than 10,000 Slovene collaborators who had attempted to retreat with the Germans, and [[Josip Broz Tito|Tito]] had most of them massacred at the infamous Pits of Kocevje".</ref>
* "After the armistice the British repatriated more than 10,000 Slovene collaborators who had attempted to retreat with the Germans, and [[Josip Broz Tito|Tito]] had most of them massacred at the infamous Pits of Kocevje".</ref>
