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== The Kingdom of Croatian was ruled by a Slavic nobility  from the Dalmatian hinterland ==
== The Kingdom of Croatian was ruled by a Slavic nobility  from the Dalmatian hinterland ==
A group of Slavic tribes settle in the Dalmatian Hinterland (Roman Dalmatia). Their leader from 880s was referred to as (in Latin): ''"Branimiro comite dux cruatorum cogitavit"'' thus indicating a Slavic connection with the Sarmatian tribes. '''Ducatus Croatiae''' was created in late 9th century, later a kingdom was established and it was called Kingdom of Croatia (925–1102 AD). The Kingdom of Croatian was ruled by a Slavic nobility  from the Dalmatian hinterland with a historic connection with Sarmatian tribes who referred to themselves as ''Hrvati'' or in English ''Croatians''. According to the '''Baska tablet''' (1100 AD) they spoke Slavic Chakavian. The Kingdom of Croatian was named after her ruling class, which in tern ruled a medieval multi-ethnic state. This in the 19th and 20th century became a constructed Croatian Identity. The centre of political power of the Croatian Slavs shifted during the Ottoman invasions. The shift was from the Dalmatian hinterland to to-days city of Zagreb.
A group of Slavic<ref>[,+Becoming+Croat+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman+dux++Sclavorum+Branimir&hl=en&ei=NJ9ETonFO8fYrQe7msHSAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and and Early Medieval Dalmatia by Danijel Dzino (p.195-p.196)
* "... region ruled by the dukes Mislav, Domagoj, Zdeslav, and Branimir, to whom is referred in the sources to as principes or duces Sclavorum."</ref> tribes settle in the Dalmatian Hinterland (Roman Dalmatia). Their leader from 880s was referred to as (in Latin): ''"Branimiro comite dux cruatorum cogitavit"'' thus indicating a Slavic connection with the Sarmatian tribes. '''Ducatus Croatiae''' was created in late 9th century which evolved from Dalmatian ducatus which then was part of  Carolingian Empire (Franks). Later it became a kingdom which was called Kingdom of Croatia (925–1102 AD). The Kingdom of Croatian was ruled by a Slavic nobility  from the Dalmatian hinterland with a historic connection with Sarmatian tribes who referred to themselves as ''Hrvati'' or in English ''Croatians''. According to the '''Baska tablet''' (1100 AD) they spoke old Slavic Chakavian. The Kingdom of Croatian was named after her ruling class, which in tern ruled a medieval multi-ethnic state. The centre of political power of the Croatian Slavs shifted during the Ottoman invasions. The shift was from the Dalmatian hinterland to to-days city of Zagreb. The term ''Croat'' became fully established as constructed Identity in the 19th and 20th century.  
Old Slavic Chakavian should be seen as a language in its own right, not a dialect. In the 19 century a fundamental mistake was made  when political extremist ideology influenced culture and political decision making. It was a attempt at imitating Western imperial empire building egotism which failed with truly tragic historic events.
Old Slavic Chakavian should be seen as a language in its own right, not a dialect. In the 19 century a fundamental mistake was made  when political extremist ideology influenced culture and political decision making. It was a attempt at imitating Western imperial empire building egotism which failed with truly tragic historic events.
