
Editing Talk:Croatian Identity
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(up till 1848), [ Preživjeli ledeno doba: Hrvati su prastanovnici Europe] ''( Surviving an ice age: the Croats are descendants of prehistoric Europe)''
(up till 1848), [ Preživjeli ledeno doba: Hrvati su prastanovnici Europe] ''( Surviving an ice age: the Croats are descendants of prehistoric Europe)''
* More than three quarters of today's Croatian men are the descendants of Europeans who inhabited Europe 13000-20000 years ago. They survived the last ice age within certain regions on Europe.
*[ŠKOLSTVA+U+VELOJ+LUCI&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5 The Early Beginnings of Formal Education - Vela Luka (beginnings of literacy and Lower Primary School 1857 – 1870):] "Talijanski je jezik bio ne samo službeni jezik u svim dalmatinskim javnim usta-novama, već pretežito i govorni jezik u znatnom broju činovničkih, službeničkih i tr-govačkih obitelji u gradovima i većim trgovištima." ''(Italian language was not only the official language in all public Dalmatian establishments, but also was the spoken language in a significant number of white-collar, civil service and trade families in the cities and market towns)''
[ŠKOLSTVA+U+VELOJ+LUCI&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5 The Early Beginnings of Formal Education - Vela Luka (beginnings of literacy and Lower Primary School 1857 – 1870):] "Talijanski je jezik bio ne samo službeni jezik u svim dalmatinskim javnim usta-novama, već pretežito i govorni jezik u znatnom broju činovničkih, službeničkih i tr-govačkih obitelji u gradovima i većim trgovištima." ''(Italian language was not only the official language in all public Dalmatian establishments, but also was the spoken language in a significant number of white-collar, civil service and trade families in the cities and market towns)''
