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===Focal nodes===
===Focal nodes===
* [[Inquiry Live]]
* [[Inquiry Live]]
* [[Logic Live]]
* [[Logic Live]]
===Peer nodes===
===Peer nodes===
* [ Logical Disjunction @ InterSciWiki]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ MyWikiBiz]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ MyWikiBiz]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ InterSciWiki]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ OER Commons]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ P2P Foundation]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ Subject Wikis]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ Subject Wikis]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ Wikiversity Beta]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ Wikiversity]
* [ Logical Disjunction @ Wikiversity Beta]
===Logical operators===
===Logical operators===
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===Related articles===
===Related articles===
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Semiotic Information”]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Introduction To Inquiry Driven Systems”]
* [ Cactus Language]
* [ Futures Of Logical Graphs]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Prospects For Inquiry Driven Systems”]
* [ Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Inquiry Driven Systems : Inquiry Into Inquiry”]
* [ Differential Logic : Introduction]
* [ Differential Propositional Calculus]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems”]
* [ Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Differential Logic : Introduction”]
* [ Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems]
* [ Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Differential Propositional Calculus”]
* [ Inquiry Driven Systems : Inquiry Into Inquiry]
* [ Jon Awbrey, “Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems”]
==Document history==
==Document history==
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Portions of the above article were adapted from the following sources under the [[GNU Free Documentation License]], under other applicable licenses, or by permission of the copyright holders.
Portions of the above article were adapted from the following sources under the [[GNU Free Documentation License]], under other applicable licenses, or by permission of the copyright holders.
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ InterSciWiki]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ MyWikiBiz]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ MyWikiBiz]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikinfo]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikiversity]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikiversity Beta]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikiversity Beta]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ GetWiki]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikinfo]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Textop Wiki]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikipedia]
* [ Logical Disjunction], [ Wikipedia]
