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*"Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced Labour, murdered, or later ransomed by [[Germany|West Germany]]. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on '''death marches''' towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 ethnic [[Italy|Italians]] fled to Italy in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)"</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ The Frontiers of Europe] ''by'' Malcolm Anderson &  Eberhard Bort (p77)</ref> One only has to mention [[Titoism and Totalitarianism#Goli Otok|Goli Otok]],<ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet. (p377).</ref><ref>[ Discontents: Postmodern and Postcommunist] by Paul Hollander. (p397)</ref><ref>[ Goli Otok: Yugoslavia’s Evil Island Gulag]  '''Josip Zoretic'''-Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison. Goli Otok: Hell in the Adriatic (book) by Josip Zoretic</ref> a notorious prison on the Croatian coast (former Yugoslavia’s Evil Island-Gulag). The terror campaign lasted for about twenty years until the regime introduced '''reforms''' in the 1960's.
*"Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced Labour, murdered, or later ransomed by [[Germany|West Germany]]. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on '''death marches''' towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 ethnic [[Italy|Italians]] fled to Italy in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)"</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ The Frontiers of Europe] ''by'' Malcolm Anderson &  Eberhard Bort (p77)</ref> One only has to mention [[Titoism and Totalitarianism#Goli Otok|Goli Otok]],<ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet. (p377).</ref><ref>[ Discontents: Postmodern and Postcommunist] by Paul Hollander. (p397)</ref><ref>[ Goli Otok: Yugoslavia’s Evil Island Gulag]  '''Josip Zoretic'''-Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison. Goli Otok: Hell in the Adriatic (book) by Josip Zoretic</ref> a notorious prison on the Croatian coast (former Yugoslavia’s Evil Island-Gulag). The terror campaign lasted for about twenty years until the regime introduced '''reforms''' in the 1960's.
==Biased Usage of Wikipedia ==
==Biased Usage of Wikipedia ==
[[File:Jimmy Wales shilling wristwatches.jpg|thumb|right|195px| Why would [[Wikipedia]] and Jimmy Wales the co-founder (above) benefit from such a politically biased article?]]
[[File:Jimmy Wales shilling wristwatches.jpg|thumb|right|195px| How can [[Wikipedia]] and Jimmy Wales the co-founder (above) benefit from such a politically biased article?]]
The usage of [[Wikipedia]] as a tool for promoting this type of propaganda is second only to Google itself. This exposes a major flaw in Wikipedia which is that a group of editors ''can learn to work the system so they can promote their own point of view'', so that the article will become a stated Wiki fact, and itself a piece of history.  
The usage of [[Wikipedia]] as a tool for promoting this type of propaganda is second only to Google itself. This exposes a major flaw in Wikipedia which is that a group of editors ''can learn to work the system so they can promote their own point of view'', so that the article will become a stated Wiki fact, and itself a piece of history.  
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== Josip Broz Tito and Cult of Personality ==
== Josip Broz Tito and Cult of Personality ==
[[File:454px-StalinPortrait.jpg|thumb|right||150px|Marshal of the Soviet Union '''Joseph Stalin'''. [[Josip Broz Tito|Josip Broz Tito's]] ''Cult of Personality''  was based on Comrade Stalin.]]
The article doesn't even mention Josip Broz Tito's ''Cult of Personality'':<ref>[ Governing by Committee:] Collegial Leadership in Advanced Societies by Thomas A. Baylis. Communist Collective Leadership, (p91)</ref><ref>Government Leaders, Military Rulers and Political Activists: An Encyclopaedia of People Who Changed the World (Lives & Legacies Series)-By David W. Del Testa, Florence Lemoine &  John Strickland/ Legacy Chapter (p181)</ref>
The article doesn't even mention Josip Broz Tito's ''Cult of Personality'':<ref>[ Governing by Committee:] Collegial Leadership in Advanced Societies by Thomas A. Baylis. Communist Collective Leadership, (p91)</ref><ref>Government Leaders, Military Rulers and Political Activists: An Encyclopaedia of People Who Changed the World (Lives & Legacies Series)-By David W. Del Testa, Florence Lemoine &  John Strickland/ Legacy Chapter (p181)</ref>
{{Cquote|''Virtually every communist system extinct or surviving at one point or another, had a supreme leader who was both extraordinarily powerful and surrounded by a bizarre cult, indeed worshipped. In the past (or in more traditional contemporary societies) such cults were reserved for deities and associated with conventional religious behaviour and institutions. These cults although apparently an intrinsic part of communist dictatorships (at any rate at a stage in their evolution) are largely forgotten today.''
{{Cquote|''Virtually every communist system extinct or surviving at one point or another, had a supreme leader who was both extraordinarily powerful and surrounded by a bizarre cult, indeed worshipped. In the past (or in more traditional contemporary societies) such cults were reserved for deities and associated with conventional religious behaviour and institutions. These cults although apparently an intrinsic part of communist dictatorships (at any rate at a stage in their evolution) are largely forgotten today.''
