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In the summer of 1940 Boehner moved to [[St. Bonaventure University|Saint Bonaventure College]] (now a university) where he lectured on Franciscan philosophy, and it was here that he began to build the [[Franciscan Institute]] into a centre of international Franciscan scholarship.  
In the summer of 1940 Boehner moved to [[St. Bonaventure University|Saint Bonaventure College]] (now a university) where he lectured on Franciscan philosophy, and it was here that he began to build the [[Franciscan Institute]] into a centre of international Franciscan scholarship.  
* Boehner, Philotheus OFM, trans. Saint Bonaventure’s Itinerarium Mentis in Deum, introduced (New York: The Franciscan Institute Publications, 1 9 5 6 ) .
* (1947), 'The Metaphysics of William Ockham', The Review of Metaphysics. 1/4 (1947–1948), 59–86; reprinted in Boehner (1958), 373–399
* "Ockham's Tractatus de Praedestinatione et de Praescientia Dei et de Futuris Contingentibus and Its Main Problems", in: ''Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association'' 16 (1941) 177-192; reprinted in Boehner (1958).
* The Text Tradition of Ockham's Ordinatio, in: The New Scholasticism 16 (1942) 203-241; The Spirit of Franciscan Philosophy, in: FrSt 2 (1942) 217-237;
* "The Notitia Intuitiva of Non-existents According to William Ockham. With a Critical Study on the Text of Ockham's Reportatio and a Revised Edition of Rep. II, q. 14-15", ''Traditio'' 1 (1943) 223-275;
* The ''Tractatus de successivis'' Attributed to William Ockham (ed.), St. Bonaventure 1944;  Ockham's Political Ideas, in: The Review of Politics 5 (1943) 462-487;
* The Medieval Crisis of Logic and the Author of the Centiloquium Attributed to Ockham, in: FrSt 4 (1944) 151-170;
* Ockham's Theory of Truth, in: FrSt 5 (1945);
* The System of Metaphysics of Alexander of Hales, in: FrSt 5 (1945) 366-414;
* Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei et de futuris contingentibus of William Ockham (ed.), St. Bonaventure, 1945;
* Ockham's Theory of Signification, in: FrSt 6 (1946) 143-170;
* Ockham's Theory of Supposition and the Notion of Truth, in: FrSt 6 (1946) 261-292;
* The Realistic Conceptualism of William Ockham, in: Traditio 4 (1946) 307-335;
* Walter Burleigh, De puritate artis logicae (ed.), St. Bonaventure 1951;
* Eine Quaestio aus dem Sentenzenkommentar des Magisters Nikolaus Oresme, in: RThAM 14 (1947) 305-328;
* The Metaphysics of William Ockham, in: Review of Metaphysics 1 (1948) 59-86;
* Notitia Intuitiva of Non Existents According to Peter Aureoli, O.F.M., in: FrSt 8 (1948) 388-416;
* Zu Ockhams Beweis der Existenz Gottes. Texte und Erläuterungen, in: FS 32 (1950) 50-69;
* Three Sums of Logic Attributed to William Ockham, in: FrSt 11 (1951) 173-193;
* Does Ockham Know of Material Implication?, in: FrSt Commemorative Volume (1951) 203-230;
* William Ockham, Summa Logicae (ed.), 2 Bde., St. Bonaventure 1951-1954;
* Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der De Morganschen Gesetze in der Scholastik, AGPh 4 (1951) 113-146;
* Medieval Logic. An Outline of its Development from 1250 to c. 1400, Manchester-Chicago 1952;
* Examination of Conscience According to St. Bonaventure, St. Bonaventure 19582;
* Walter Burleigh, De puritate artis logicae tractatus longior (ed.), with a Revised Edition of the Tractatus brevior, St. Bonaventure 1955;
* William Ockham, Philosophical Writings (ed., Übers.), Edinburgh 1957, Indianapolis 19903;
* Collected Articles on Ockham, St. Bonaventure 1956;
* Saint Bonaventure, The Journey of the Mind to God (Übers.), St. Bonaventure 1956, Indianapolis 19932;
* Conferences for Franciscan Religious, St. Bonaventure 1966.
