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* Islands diminishing population during its long history brings more new peoples.
* Islands diminishing population during its long history brings more new peoples.
More migration continued from the east from 15th century onwards. Eastern Croatians - Hercegovci and Montenegrins. There presence influenced the local Croatain language with Croato-Serbian elements.
More migration continued from the east from 15th century onwards. Eastern Croatians - Hercegovci and Montenegrins. There presence influenced the local Croatian language with Croato-Serbian elements.
Based on recent DNA studies migration also came from the west, Istria and Veneto areas. From the eastern mediterranean and further people came to the Republic of Venice; Greek colonies, Armenians, Middle East etc.   
Based on recent DNA studies migration also came from the west, Istria and Veneto areas. From the eastern mediterranean and further people came to the Republic of Venice from the Greek colonies, Armenians, Middle East etc.   
The communities of the island, no matter of there origins, had to certian extant incorporate Mediterranean Latin cultural. It can be said they develop there own unique  Mediterranean Latin cultural. This uniques started to disappear with the collapsed of the Republic of Venice in 1797.  
The communities of the island, no matter of their origins, had to a certain extant incorporate Mediterranean Latin cultural. It can be also said they develop there own unique  Mediterranean Latin cultural. This uniques started to disappear with the collapsed of the Republic of Venice in 1797.
It has to be asked in 1797 how the communities of the island felt about their Slavic and Latin heritage? Did they know about it, did they identify with them? How did they feel about the  language spoken (''or'' languages)? Did they know about their connection with the Narentines (Neretvani), a nation of Slavic pirates who also traded Slaves?
History today is heavily seen through the perspectives of the Pan-Slavism and the Croatian Nationalistic movements and is not giving a true picture of the past.
=== No Existing Primary Historical Sources ===
=== No Existing Primary Historical Sources ===
