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Clear blue skies are the typical order of the day with an average of 300 sunny days a year. One-third of the year from mid-May to mid-September reaches highs near 100° or hotter. The arid Arizona air makes the hot temperatures more tolerable ("it's a dry heat"), but it can still be very tiresome after four months of such hot weather outdoors. (*Nota Bene: The humidity drops dramatically in most other warm climes in the country if temperatures begin to reach towards 100°. So the "dry heat" counter-point is bogus: 100° in Phoenix isn't much different than 100° in Dallas, Kansas City or Atlanta.) Winter lows can reach in the low 30s, but temperatures rarely stay there long. The average annual rainfall in the area is 7.66 inches. The rain is not only scarce, but sporadic and occurs primarily in the monsoon season from July to mid-September as humid air surges in from the Gulf of California to the hot air in the heart of the state.
Clear blue skies are the typical order of the day with an average of 300 sunny days a year. One-third of the year from mid-May to mid-September reaches highs near 100° or hotter. The arid Arizona air makes the hot temperatures more tolerable ("it's a dry heat"), but it can still be very tiresome after four months of such hot weather outdoors. (*Nota Bene: The humidity drops dramatically in most other warm climes in the country if temperatures begin to reach towards 100°. So the "dry heat" counter-point is bogus: 100° in Phoenix isn't much different than 100° in Dallas, Kansas City or Atlanta.) Winter lows can reach in the low 30s, but temperatures rarely stay there long. The average annual rainfall in the area is 7.66 inches. The rain is not only scarce, but sporadic and occurs primarily in the monsoon season from July to mid-September as humid air surges in from the Gulf of California to the hot air in the heart of the state.
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