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==Antonii Rosanei Corcyrae Melenae Opus==
==Antonii Rosanei Corcyrae Melenae Opus==
By the incessant inquiries of those who, indeed, admiring the preservation of the small town of Corcyra Melena in my own country, and admiring it to be ascribed to the divine divinity, so often repeat from me a series of such remarkable deeds, I have determined to satisfy this in a short commentary. You are the only Diva Virgin Mother, whose help we firmly believe that there was a certainty for us in that battle, just as you did not disdain to direct your servant in all these things, so also draw your hand and pen along the paths of truth in your proclamations and thanksgivings, I pray.
Assiduis percontationibus eorum, qui conservationem opiduli '''Corcyrae Melenae''' Patriae meae miram quidem, et divino adscribendam Numini admirantes, seriem tam praeclari facinoris toties a me repetunt, hoc brevi comentariolo (3) satisfacere decrevi. Tu tantum Diva Virgo Mater, cujus opem firma fide credimus nobis eo in praelio certissimam adfuisse, sicuti servulum non es dedignata in iis omnibus dirrigere, ita quoque manum, et calamum per veritatis semitas in tua praeconia, et gratiarum actiones precor deducito.
Assiduis percontationibus eorum, qui conservationem opiduli '''Corcyrae Melenae''' Patriae meae miram quidem, et divino adscribendam Numini admirantes, seriem tam praeclari facinoris toties a me repetunt, hoc brevi comentariolo (3) satisfacere decrevi. Tu tantum Diva Virgo Mater, cujus opem firma fide credimus nobis eo in praelio certissimam adfuisse, sicuti servulum non es dedignata in iis omnibus dirrigere, ita quoque manum, et calamum per veritatis semitas in tua praeconia, et gratiarum actiones precor deducito.
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Occhiali (Giovanni Dionigi Galeni or Giovan Dionigi Galeni, also Uluj Ali, Turkish: Uluç Ali Reis, later Uluç Ali Paşa and finally Kılıç Ali Paşa; 1519 – 21 June 1587) was an Italian farmer, then Ottoman privateer and admiral, who later became beylerbey of the Regency of Algiers, and finally Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha) of the Ottoman fleet in the 16th century.
Occhiali (Giovanni Dionigi Galeni or Giovan Dionigi Galeni, also Uluj Ali, Turkish: Uluç Ali Reis, later Uluç Ali Paşa and finally Kılıç Ali Paşa; 1519 – 21 June 1587) was an Italian farmer, then Ottoman privateer and admiral, who later became beylerbey of the Regency of Algiers, and finally Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha) of the Ottoman fleet in the 16th century.
'''Pirate Karalcozije''' or Karahodža maybe from Herceg Novi.
'''Pirate Karalcozije''' or Karahodža maybe from Herceg Novi (Montenegro). Karamindzoja brothers from Ulcinj - Montenegro.
