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We were betrayed, really betrayed, they are digging an opening on new Rectors fortress, they screened themselves so they could not be seen. After that, when darkness comes Rector will run away with his group.}} In a similar fashion some other bitter citizens joined Archdeacon asking him, what to do in this situation. He answered to be quiet, promising that it will be very easy to solve this difficult situation; but only if they stay away from using any harsh and bitter words. Archdeacon by coincidence runs into Jakov Scapaneo whose duty was that of chancellor, and who was very important and faithful to Rector. Rector then asked him; {{quote|What if anything did Marko Prasica bring new from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), even though he already knew all about it, because he told everyone that he brought the letter, how there was 80 galleys guarding the island of Rod, then they are coming here to destroy us. And that along the way were seen many sails near Dubrovnik (Ragusa), and that by tomorrow they can be already here. This is why this Jakov from his office was climbing the fortresses to see if any sails are approaching on the horizon.}} Archdeacon joined him, This was a chance for them to enter into a lengthy conversation. Jakov started, without making any sense to respond to questions. Archdeacon pretended to believe everything that he said. Together they climbed up on city walls, and continued walking all around the city on top of defence walls. Finally when they reached wooden steps at Southern City gate, Archdeacon said; Look brother; do you think I don’t know about the news we have received; I know of 80 enemy’s sails, because of this you came out from your office, to see them coming; I am familiar with the open hole cut in the city’s walls by the Rectors palace, I also know that as soon as it gets dark you with Rector plan to leave with that hired boat from Perast (Perasto), which is already docked here at the quay. Even though I knew all this I am not mad at you, or that you have tried to lie to me. In fact, because I know your faithfulness to Rector, I respect that, and I am discovering that you enjoy this relationship. In the name of this opinion of mine, I like you to transmit to Rector that not only me but all of the city’s citizenry, know the news and the consequences of his decisions. Therefore we pray that he doesn’t leave the city, in no way, especially not secretly. By swearing himself, archdeacon answers, that he is doing this because of his and Rectors salvation. Thinking about all of this, he lowered his eyes to the ground, all he is going to do is to tell this to the Rector. At the time they parted the Rectors palace became open to everyone. Looking for Archdeacon and bringing him inside where Rector was, together they shared sorrow of their sad situation. Rector asked him to accept his position. Archdeacon answers, that he has no reason to abandon his stand, than he brings in the letter received from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), and that the message in the letter can only make you more brave knowing that coming ships will do their planned activity. That the naval armada is approaching our shores, coming from Rod, says Rector. On that Archdeacon answered;''” but perhaps we are safer inside stone fortifications than are enemy inside wooden boats”''.
We were betrayed, really betrayed, they are digging an opening on new Rectors fortress, they screened themselves so they could not be seen. After that, when darkness comes Rector will run away with his group.}} In a similar fashion some other bitter citizens joined Archdeacon asking him, what to do in this situation. He answered to be quiet, promising that it will be very easy to solve this difficult situation; but only if they stay away from using any harsh and bitter words. Archdeacon by coincidence runs into Jakov Scapaneo whose duty was that of chancellor, and who was very important and faithful to Rector. Rector then asked him; {{quote|What if anything did Marko Prasica bring new from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), even though he already knew all about it, because he told everyone that he brought the letter, how there was 80 galleys guarding the island of Rod, then they are coming here to destroy us. And that along the way were seen many sails near Dubrovnik (Ragusa), and that by tomorrow they can be already here. This is why this Jakov from his office was climbing the fortresses to see if any sails are approaching on the horizon.}} Archdeacon joined him, This was a chance for them to enter into a lengthy conversation. Jakov started, without making any sense to respond to questions. Archdeacon pretended to believe everything that he said. Together they climbed up on city walls, and continued walking all around the city on top of defence walls. Finally when they reached wooden steps at Southern City gate, Archdeacon said; Look brother; do you think I don’t know about the news we have received; I know of 80 enemy’s sails, because of this you came out from your office, to see them coming; I am familiar with the open hole cut in the city’s walls by the Rectors palace, I also know that as soon as it gets dark you with Rector plan to leave with that hired boat from Perast (Perasto), which is already docked here at the quay. Even though I knew all this I am not mad at you, or that you have tried to lie to me. In fact, because I know your faithfulness to Rector, I respect that, and I am discovering that you enjoy this relationship. In the name of this opinion of mine, I like you to transmit to Rector that not only me but all of the city’s citizenry, know the news and the consequences of his decisions. Therefore we pray that he doesn’t leave the city, in no way, especially not secretly. By swearing himself, archdeacon answers, that he is doing this because of his and Rectors salvation. Thinking about all of this, he lowered his eyes to the ground, all he is going to do is to tell this to the Rector. At the time they parted the Rectors palace became open to everyone. Looking for Archdeacon and bringing him inside where Rector was, together they shared sorrow of their sad situation. Rector asked him to accept his position. Archdeacon answers, that he has no reason to abandon his stand, than he brings in the letter received from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), and that the message in the letter can only make you more brave knowing that coming ships will do their planned activity. That the naval armada is approaching our shores, coming from Rod, says Rector. On that Archdeacon answered;''” but perhaps we are safer inside stone fortifications than are enemy inside wooden boats”''.
[[File:Curzola ship8.jpg|thumb|right|500px| Town of Korčula  (Curzola)]]
[[File:Curzola ship8.jpg|thumb|right|500px| Town of Korčula  (Curzola)]]
While they were arguing this point, Ivan Batista Rosanovic, father of archdeacon, elder of 83 years of age, begging Rector not to abandon the city. But Rector on that gave this answer; ''“Dear grandpa, you have already lived your life, let me also live my life." '' Since nobody was successful in changing his mind, Archdeacon started to talk him into not running away secretly; so that his leaving does not cause bigger excitement among public. On that Rector with a smile answers; {{quote|What would you want them to throw rocks at me?}} On that Archdeacons eyes started to tears, and he kept quiet, sighing, thinking that the dodge’s emissary is seeing him as a traitor, but knowing that he cares for dodge not any less than he does for himself or for his island, place of his birth. This really touched Rector and he started asking with more interest. How can we leave without keeping it a secret, making sure there is no casualties? and that there is no excitement among public? On that archdeacon answers; We should call all the people to a meeting, praise you and state how much you like to live with your people. Meanwhile, as much as is necessary because of this same populace to expose yourself to dangers, sailing with a small boat among all the enemy ships. You will sail to Zadar (Zara) to send us needed help. On top of that we have to promise, if need be, to defend our city, while waiting for your return. And who is there to contradict these ideas? If for some reason you crawl out secretly from that hole in the wall, I fear that somebody irresponsible might shoot you with a gun, and then all of this city would be branded with treason. Thinking momentarily, Rector happily accepted all of these arguments; he orders his helping hands Marin and '''Jakov Scapaneo''' to get everything ready. After that he calls the public in the palaces meeting hall, then, as it was suggested by Archdeacon, shortly with shaking voice explains everything. Some in the public were complaining, that it is enough just to send in a delegation, and that Rector should not be exposing himself to these dangers. On that Archdeacon will say; ''" We will be more successful and it will be more beneficial to our country if on this trip goes only Rector, instead of someone else, who could with the excuse of being an emissary, take a chance of running away from us, Dodge’s goal is to protect this city. But if Rector who is his representative considers anyone traitor who stops the Dodge in helping his people."'' Everyone started saying ''“ let us hurry up and make our decisions"''. On that Archdeacon turning to Rector says; {{quote|
While they were arguing this point, Ivan Batista Rosanovic, father of archdeacon, elder of 83 years of age, begging Rector not to abandon the city. But Rector on that gave this answer; ''“Dear grandpa, you have already lived your life, let me also live my life." '' Since nobody was successful in changing his mind, Archdeacon started to talk him into not running away secretly; so that his leaving does not cause bigger excitement among public. On that Rector with a smile answers; {{quote|What would you want them to throw rocks at me?}} On that Archdeacons eyes started to tears, and he kept quiet, sighing, thinking that the dodge’s emissary is seeing him as a traitor, but knowing that he cares for dodge not any less than he does for himself or for his island, place of his birth. This really touched Rector and he started asking with more interest. How can we leave without keeping it a secret, making sure there is no casualties? and that there is no excitement among public? On that archdeacon answers; We should call all the people to a meeting, praise you and state how much you like to live with your people. Meanwhile, as much as is necessary because of this same populace to expose yourself to dangers, sailing with a small boat among all the enemy ships. You will sail to Zadar (Zara) to send us needed help. On top of that we have to promise, if need be, to defend our city, while waiting for your return. And who is there to contradict these ideas? If for some reason you crawl out secretly from that hole in the wall, I fear that somebody irresponsible might shoot you with a gun, and then all of this city would be branded with treason. Thinking momentarily, Rector happily accepted all of these arguments; he orders his helping hands Marin and Jakov Scapaneo to get everything ready. After that he calls the public in the palaces meeting hall, then, as it was suggested by Archdeacon, shortly with shaking voice explains everything. Some in the public were complaining, that it is enough just to send in a delegation, and that Rector should not be exposing himself to these dangers. On that Archdeacon will say; ''" We will be more successful and it will be more beneficial to our country if on this trip goes only Rector, instead of someone else, who could with the excuse of being an emissary, take a chance of running away from us, Dodge’s goal is to protect this city. But if Rector who is his representative considers anyone traitor who stops the Dodge in helping his people."'' Everyone started saying ''“ let us hurry up and make our decisions."'' On that Archdeacon turning to Rector says; {{quote|Your honour Rector, it is not proper during the time of your being away, to leave this city without the leader.}} Thinking who my replace you. Then Rector looking at him replies;{{quote|''I trust in you to lead all of this island.''}} Among the public there was one troublemaker, whom Rector recognised as such, from the corner of the hall he was mumbling; ''When Rector leaves people will elect anyone they want.''  Archdeacon started to worry that this may start some uprising, and then be again turns to Rector; {{quote|
Your honour Rector, it is not proper during the time of your being away, to leave this city without the leader}} Thinking who my replace you.Then Rector looking at him replies'';”I trust in you to lead all of this island”''. Among the public there was one troublemaker, whom Rector recognised as such, from the corner of the hall he was mumbling; ''When Rector leaves people will elect anyone they want.''  Archdeacon started to worry that this may start some uprising, and then be again turns to Rector;  
I would like you to know your honour, that his eminency bishop, as well as his vicar with almost all of the clergy left this town. That to me, although I consider myself undeserving, handed over spiritual responsibilities for this city. And if I would accept this responsibility, I don’t know if I can be successful in conducting these duties. I am not running away from this heavy load and I am not running away from this responsibility. Quite to the contrary, I am ready for everything, and I am also suggesting that four men should be selected in the city; namely three nobleman and one citizen, stopping this troublemaker from continuing causing all the problems.}}
I would like you to know your honour, that his eminency bishop, as well as his vicar with almost all of the clergy left this town. That to me, although I consider myself undeserving, handed over spiritual responsibilities for this city. And if I would accept this responsibility, I don’t know if I can be successful in conducting these duties. I am not running away from this heavy load and I am not running away from this responsibility. Quite to the contrary, I am ready for everything, and I am also suggesting that four men should be selected in the city; namely three nobleman and one citizen, stopping this troublemaker from continuing causing all the problems.}}
