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SELIM, the tricky [[Directory:Turkey|Ottoman Turkish]] emperor conducting a fierce war, has taken from the '''Republic of Venice''' almost all of the island of Cyprus except for Famagusta. <ref>Editors note: Famagusta (Greek: Αμμόχωστος Ammóchōstos, Turkish: Gazimağusa/Mağusa) is a city on the east coast of Cyprus, de jure capital of the Famagusta District. It is currently the capital of the Gazimağusa District of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which is only recognised by Turkey. All other countries consider the city to be legally part of the Republic of Cyprus. (ref from Wikipedia)</ref> Confident with these successes , at the beginning of May he orders gathering of a large fleet to go against Christians, and especially against Venetians. Over here, rumours spread about this armada, and fear among people multiplied, that Turks are already approaching our borders and each day they are supposed to be getting more and more aggressive.  
SELIM, the tricky [[Directory:Turkey|Ottoman Turkish]] emperor conducting a fierce war, has taken from the '''Republic of Venice''' almost all of the island of Cyprus except for Famagusta. <ref>Editors note: Famagusta (Greek: Αμμόχωστος Ammóchōstos, Turkish: Gazimağusa/Mağusa) is a city on the east coast of Cyprus, de jure capital of the Famagusta District. It is currently the capital of the Gazimağusa District of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which is only recognised by Turkey. All other countries consider the city to be legally part of the Republic of Cyprus. (ref from Wikipedia)</ref> Confident with these successes , at the beginning of May he orders gathering of a large fleet to go against Christians, and especially against Venetians. Over here, rumours spread about this armada, and fear among people multiplied, that Turks are already approaching our borders and each day they are supposed to be getting more and more aggressive.  
On second day of August, unexpectedly a group of refugees sailed in, those that we called ''Uskoci'' , they came from Epir and they confessed to us that Ulcinj which is about 80 miles south east of here, is in danger from land forces, and that on the sea they have seen many galleys near Ulcinj, and that they had hard time getting away from them. They were not sure who these galleys belonged to, but they suspected that these must belong to pirate Karalcozije and his cohorts. Next day another group arrived from '''Perasto''' (Perasto is a town in the Bay of Boca '') [or mordern: Boka''] and they confirmed the news about the Turkish fleet all around Ulcinj. And they told us how they were forced to abandon their boat and they barely survived by getting away in a dinghy. Actually this story we did not believe. What was hard to believe was that enemy’s ships have reached that far into our waters, knowing that christian navy was behind their backs. We didn’t know what to think. We were scared, everyone talked about what was to come, but no one knew for sure. People from Perasto (modern: Perast), ones that happened to be in our town, because of these rumours, all to the last one, boarded their boats and left the town. A word came from Epidaur,<ref>'''Editors''' note: Epidaurus (Greek: Επίδαυρος, Epidavros) was a small city (polis) in ancient Greece, at the Saronic Gulf. Two modern towns bear the name Epidavros (Επίδαυρος): Palaia Epidavros and Nea Epidavros. Since 2010 they belong to the new municipality of Epidavros, part of the regional unit of Argolis. The seat of the municipality is the town Asklipieio. (ref from Wikipedia)</ref> that Bar already capitulated, and that '''Cattaro''' (modern: Kotor) is in great danger of falling, also that danger is looming to all of '''Dalmatia''' [originality written: ''whole of Illyricum, to destruction''].  
On second day of August, unexpectedly a group of refugees sailed in, those that we called ''Uskoci'' , they came from Epir and they confessed to us that Ulcinj which is about 80 miles south east of here, is in danger from land forces, and that on the sea they have seen many galleys near Ulcinj, and that they had hard time getting away from them. They were not sure who these galleys belonged to, but they suspected that these must belong to pirate Karalcozije and his cohorts. Next day another group arrived from '''Perasto''' (Perasto is a town in the Bay of Boca '') [or mordern: Boka''] and they confirmed the news about the Turkish fleet all around Ulcinj. And they told us how they were forced to abandon their boat and they barely survived by getting away in a dinghy. Actually this story we did not believe. What was hard to believe was that enemy’s ships have reached that far into our waters, knowing that christian navy was behind their backs. We didn’t know what to think. We were scared, everyone talked about what was to come, but no one knew for sure. People from Perasto (modern: Perast), ones that happened to be in our town, because of these rumours, all to the last one, boarded their boats and left the town. A word came from Epidaur,<ref>'''Editors''' note: Epidaurus (Greek: Επίδαυρος, Epidavros) was a small city (polis) in ancient Greece, at the Saronic Gulf. Two modern towns bear the name Epidavros (Επίδαυρος): Palaia Epidavros and Nea Epidavros. Since 2010 they belong to the new municipality of Epidavros, part of the regional unit of Argolis. The seat of the municipality is the town Asklipieio. (ref from Wikipedia)</ref> that Bar already capitulated, and that '''Cattaro''' (modern: Kotor) is in great danger of falling, also that danger is looming to all of '''Dalmatia''' [originality written: ''whole of '''Illyricum''', to destruction''].  
In '''Curzola''' (modern: Korčula) there exists a place of worship, right next to Southern City walls which our ancestors dedicated to Virgin Mary and '''Saint Bartholomew''' in memory of past victory, in battle with  
In '''Curzola''' (modern: Korčula) there exists a place of worship, right next to Southern City walls which our ancestors dedicated to Virgin Mary and '''Saint Bartholomew''' in memory of past victory, in battle with  
[[Directory:Korcula History#Giorgio Viario|Aragon Navy]], on this Saints day. This chapel is hardly able to accommodate two or three persons. All around it is protected with wooden fencing. Here, every year on 4th of August, early in the morning, people gather all around, to show respect to our Lady of Snows. During this service the city’s rector suggested to bishop’s vicar this idea that it would be helpful to preach something that would pacify and calm down frightened public. Vicar passed this idea to another priest, but this one also excused himself, that he is not prepared. Then he, while asking for God’s help opens the book of psalms, which he was holding in his hands, then he started reading words from 61st psalm ''“ These two things I hear: ''"The power is God’s, and to you Lord belongs the mercy"''. ”'' During the service with these thoughts he began to talk:'' “ Hear you respected husbands, fathers, brothers and sons, all dear in Christ, as I spoke You have heard, now by me spoken David’s thought. Think about it, I beg you, from it double powerful Gods power, from which one is a witness how to almighty God nothing is impossible, while the other shows his mercy towards us, so that; no one of us loves himself more than the love we receive from merciful God."''  
[[Directory:Korcula History#Giorgio Viario|Aragon Navy]], on this Saints day. This chapel is hardly able to accommodate two or three persons. All around it is protected with wooden fencing. Here, every year on 4th of August, early in the morning, people gather all around, to show respect to our Lady of Snows. During this service the city’s rector suggested to bishop’s vicar this idea that it would be helpful to preach something that would pacify and calm down frightened public. Vicar passed this idea to another priest, but this one also excused himself, that he is not prepared. Then he, while asking for God’s help opens the book of psalms, which he was holding in his hands, then he started reading words from 61st psalm. These two things I hear: '"The power is God’s, and to you Lord belongs the mercy"''. ”'' During the service with these thoughts he began to talk:'' “ Hear you respected husbands, fathers, brothers and sons, all dear in Christ, as I spoke You have heard, now by me spoken David’s thought. Think about it, I beg you, from it double powerful Gods power, from which one is a witness how to almighty God nothing is impossible, while the other shows his mercy towards us, so that; no one of us loves himself more than the love we receive from merciful God."''  
[[File:Curzola of old.jpg|thumb|right|425px| Town of Korčula (Curzola-1708)]]
[[File:Curzola of old.jpg|thumb|right|425px| Town of Korčula (Curzola-1708)]]
