
821 bytes added ,  13:14, 29 October 2017
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<b>Never Split Tens</b> is a major motion picture based on the life of the mathematician who developed the card counting technique for the casino game of blackjack.  Its production budget will be raised by loans taking advantage of Illinois income tax credits and federal income tax deductions.
<b>Never Split Tens</b> is a major motion picture based on the life of the mathematician who developed the card counting technique for the casino game of blackjack.  Its production budget will be raised by loans taking advantage of Illinois income tax credits and federal income tax deductions.
[[File: NeverSplitTensCover.JPG|thumb|right|250px|<small>The cover of the book "Never Split Tens," a biographical novel by Les Golden of Oak Park, Illinois, based on the incredible true story of blackjack scholar Edward O. Thorp.  The book contains a comparison of blackjack systems, an acting primer into camouflaging being a card counter, and an extensive biography of Hi-Lo developer Harvey Dubner. </small>]]
==The Motion Picture==
==The Motion Picture==
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==Funding for Never Split Tens==
==Funding for Never Split Tens==
The producers request a $290,000 loan for up to eight months from those with large state and federal tax liabilities to whom you provide professional accounting and investment advice.  The collateral items are related to:
The producers request loans totaling $290,000 for up to eight months from those with large state and federal tax liabilities to whom you provide professional accounting and investment advice, or from private individuals or firms.  The loan is based on Illinois and federal statute and is free of risk. 
Specifically, the collateral items are related to:
a) Illinois tax credits based on 35 ILCS 16/, and </br>
a) Illinois tax credits based on 35 ILCS 16/, and </br>
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The producers’ entertainment lawyer has drafted a complete prospectus if you wish to receive a copy.  This highlights the risks of investment in film production, but as noted the state and federal tax benefits of the loan are independent of whether or not the film makes a profit.  The prospectus would provide information on the potential profitability of the motion picture.
The producers’ entertainment lawyer has drafted a complete prospectus if you wish to receive a copy.  This highlights the risks of investment in film production, but as noted the state and federal tax benefits of the loan are independent of whether or not the film makes a profit.  The prospectus would provide information on the potential profitability of the motion picture.
The producer, with their attorney, would be happy to discuss this proposal further with accountant firms and their counsel at their convenience.  A representative of the Illinois Film Office would be happy to attend.
The producer, with their attorney, would be happy to discuss this proposal further with accountant firms and their counsel or loaning entities and their counsel at their convenience.  A representative of the Illinois Film Office would be happy to attend.
==Other Production Information==
General information about Never Split Tens is provided at
The full prospectus for Never Split Tens appears at
