
no longer a partial log
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Session Start: Sun Jul 05 00:00:00 2015
Session Start: Sun Jul 05 00:00:00 2015
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[18:12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so you may be holding 1$ but you could buy less with it
[18:12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so you may be holding 1$ but you could buy less with it
[18:13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> price of everything increases hence inflation
[18:13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> price of everything increases hence inflation
[18:13:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US typically borrows money instead of printing more of it for this reason
[18:13:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US issues bonds for example
[18:13:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and US ALWAYS pays them back
[18:13:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even during the great depression, US did not default on its debt
[18:14:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the closest US came to a default was during the government shutdown stunt
[18:14:28] <git> so with the euro, i assume there's some authority controlling how much money is in the system?
[18:14:35] * Versageek (~Versageek@wikimedia/Versageek) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:14:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Yes, European Central Bank
[18:14:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> But nations also get their say through a complicated burocratic structure
[18:15:20] <geniice> git one of the issues bringing things to a head is that the ECB doesn't think greek banks are solvent any more
[18:15:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the beulty and curse of euro is it regulates the currency of multiple countries
[18:15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so countries wont run into careless hyperinflation
[18:16:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ECB as geniice put it also lends money to all other banks in europe
[18:16:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> genice can I borrow 1.2 billion euros from you?
[18:17:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what if I promised I would give it back to you as 1.3 billion next year? :)
[18:18:00] <geniice> no I'm british. I don't have any euros
[18:18:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> damn
[18:18:09] <geniice> we lent them all to ireland
[18:18:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> git the sad part is Greeces woes are just begining they have an installment to pay this month as well.
[18:18:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[18:18:49] <geniice> well we can be pretty sure that won't happen so its default time
[18:19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 10, 2015
[18:19:22] * tufor (~chatzilla@wikipedia/tufor) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:19:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> €2,000,000,000
[18:19:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 13, 2015 €455,803,443 (from 2010 bailout)
[18:20:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 17, 2015 €1,000,000,000
[18:20:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 20, 2015 €2,095,880,000 2012 default
[18:20:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 20, 2015 €1,360,500,000 2012 default
[18:20:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> July 20, 2015 €25,000,000  European Investment Bank 2012 default
[18:21:03] <tufor> can I ask for enwp admin for 1 minute?
[18:21:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we havent even arrived at August yet
[18:21:15] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:22:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Last debt on that link is April 28, 2054 €6,300,000,000 "loands in the second bailout"
[18:23:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which I think is for 2012
[18:23:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> git so thats kinda the situation
[18:25:06] * meoblast001 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:25:25] <geniice> tufor yes
[18:29:30] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
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[18:44:42] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[18:45:29] <{soap|bed}> Total Members: 3 / Most Users Online: 6 (3 hours ago)
[18:45:31] <{soap|bed}> how???
[18:46:33] <geniice> ?
[18:49:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ??????
[18:49:19] <{soap|bed}> they must count anons
[18:50:01] * Jayflux (~Jason@unaffiliated/jayflux) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[18:54:02] * GEOFBOT (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:57:48] * tufor (~chatzilla@wikipedia/tufor) has left #wikipedia-en
[19:20:02] <{soap|bed}> oops i ohpe tufor got what he neeeded
[19:20:05] <{soap|bed}> i wasnt even paying attn
[19:22:38] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
[19:27:08] * wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander) Quit (Quit: Saliendo)
[19:27:13] <Irunongames> James_F|Away, Ping
[19:27:27] <Irunongames> I think I broke the visual editor.
[19:27:53] <Irunongames> If anyone else is having issues, I think we should all simply blame it on ToAruShiroiNeko and just walk away.
[19:27:55] <Irunongames> :)
[19:28:48] * meoblast001 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:30:06] <geniice> {soap|bed} he did
[19:32:02] <{soap|bed}> coool thank you
[19:32:04] <{soap|bed}> for helpinmg
[19:37:28] * ZeroSerenity ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:38:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So greek debt payment this month is €1,557,328,430  +  €6,937,183,443 = €8,494,511,873 ?
[19:38:43] * poddus ( Quit (Quit: the eh the th th the that's all, folks!)
[19:39:02] <{soap|bed}> there a guy oifferingf MONEY for youto translate german for him
[19:39:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I find it hilarious that there is a crwodfudning campaign :/
[19:39:04] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:39:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am offerd german money?
[19:39:22] <{soap|bed}> there is?? ghreeece wants peoiple to give money ??
[19:39:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> No rather a donation drive
[19:40:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[19:40:10] <{soap|bed}> seriosuly i trhink this guy is just naive and proud at the same time.  most people';d do it fort nothiung, but hes all like" wowi have money and i want to get rid of it because im such a nice guy andi  dont know German so please take my money if you cna speak German"
[19:40:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> They have €1,856,536
[19:40:35] <{soap|bed}> please direct the Greek bailout fund to me. Im Greek and i'll take care of it better
[19:40:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {soap|bed} or a troll
[19:40:46] <{soap|bed}> im hacking it over to me right now
[19:41:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 0 Super-rich kind-hearted person
[19:42:03] <{soap|bed}> i doubt anyonme here is seriously interested in doing the translation to get the money
[19:42:24] <{soap|bed}> buuuuut if you are you can do it now before anytoene else answers. seriously expect smone to volunteer to do it for free though
[19:42:46] <{soap|bed}> because hes posting on a web board with several people living in Germany
[19:42:57] <{soap|bed}> (obviously)
[19:43:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> -_-
[19:43:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> #wikipedia-de
[19:43:05] * Rodelar ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[19:44:27] <{soap|bed}> well he wants 5 denselt typed pages
[19:44:42] <{soap|bed}> not exacrtly some'm you can pull off in 2 minutes while chatting on IRC
[19:48:40] * {soap|bed} is now known as Greece
[19:48:48] <Greece> ha. not even registered
[19:49:05] * Greece is now known as {Soap}
[19:49:08] <{Soap}> but i have no need for that name
[19:49:18] <Irunongames> ...anyone else having visual editor issues?
[19:49:30] <{Soap}> its not lioke i speak the languahge or anything. in fact i hate the Greek language
[19:49:45] <Irunongames> {Soap}, well thats rude
[19:49:48] <Irunongames> Hating a language
[19:50:45] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[19:51:44] <{Soap}> totally justified though
[19:53:15] * strainwrld ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[19:53:26] <{Soap}> just go to the EU website,. OK it looks like you cant  really do it anymore because they ask for your native languagr at the very beginning. reviously though greek was always the longest and clkumsiest of all translations
[19:53:38] * mangopear (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:53:45] <Irunongames> 2 American 4 dat
[19:53:47] <{Soap}> like they woiuldnt accept the word "online", they had to say "te apentheas indesi" etc
[19:54:10] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:54:28] <{Soap}> and then they had the whole "oh no we need this special alphabet and all these extra accent marks because they spoke like this 2600 years ago AND GREEK IS PERFECT and we like to pretend it hasnt changed in 2600 years"
[19:55:38] <{Soap}> <--- basically the only country in the entire world that refused (100 years ago, i grant you, things have changed now) to translate the Bible into its own language because they felt the language was somehow better 2600 years ago and wanted to use that instead
[19:55:49] <{Soap}> even though Greek 2600 yrs ago is of course pre-Biblical
[19:56:02] <{Soap}> wait no i forgot. Arabic. THey do the same thing
[19:56:06] * Rastrojo (~Rastrojo@unaffiliated/rastrojo) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:56:37] <{Soap}> the thing is people look ridifuclous even mentionign this because most people dont reallyt think of languages as the dfining characertistic of a county
[19:57:05] <Irunongames> I really have no idea why you are talking so much about a country that is about to self implode in an hour
[19:57:25] <{Soap}> well when i was younger i was at least somewhat produ of being Greek
[19:57:36] <Irunongames> Oh wait, you're Greek?
[19:57:37] <{Soap}> like there was the Greek church and everything
[19:57:41] <{Soap}> Greek-American yeah
[19:57:44] <Irunongames> TIL
[19:58:06] <geniice> Irunongames because some of us like ruin photography and think athens has cyberpunk dystopia potential.
[19:58:25] <Irunongames> " Greeks delivered a shocking rebuff to Europe’s leaders on Sunday, decisively rejecting a deal offered by the country’s creditors in a historic vote that could redefine the country’s place in Europe and shake the Continent’s financial stability."
[19:58:28] <Irunongames> RIP
[19:58:36] <Irunongames> Please press F to pay respects. :)
[19:59:03] <{Soap}> hey look they actually typed "a historic" instead of "an historic" maybe American English is spreading after all
[19:59:20] <{Soap}> oh never mind it was the New Yotk Times
[20:00:09] <foks> "an historic" is silly
[20:00:18] <{Soap}> thank you
[20:00:21] <{Soap}> i love to hear that
[20:00:34] <foks> :P
[20:01:04] <Irunongames> foks, why don't you work for the NYT yet.
[20:01:24] <{Soap}> although honestly I understand it as long as the H is silent.  Then it makes sense because its a vowel-initial word.  Whjat Americans seem to want to do though is to us "an" and then still pronounce the H because it seems better somehow
[20:01:32] <{Soap}> basically theyre imitating British English but getting it wrong
[20:01:54] <Irunongames> Yesterday was "The british were wrong day" so
[20:02:00] <foks> British people pronounce the "h" in "historic"
[20:02:17] <{Soap}> they do?
[20:02:21] <foks> obviously
[20:02:33] <foks> 'istoric? relaly?
[20:02:34] <Irunongames> Oh lawd. Went on Wikinews. It is telling me to review articles.
[20:02:35] <foks> :p
[20:02:35] <Irunongames> nopenopenope
[20:02:39] <Irunongames> abort.
[20:02:47] <{Soap}> well OK then i extend my criticism to the British
[20:02:49] <foks> Irunongames, "esc"
[20:03:19] <{Soap}> but still <--- shows at least in southern England they often do it
[20:05:46] <Irunongames> "H-dropping"
[20:05:56] <Irunongames> Sounds like a reference to hydrogen bombs
[20:07:33] <foks> {Soap}, in the rubbish accents
[20:07:54] <foks> those are all "working-class" accents
[20:09:36] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:14:10] <KimiNewt>  anyone here listen to [[Art Brut]]
[20:14:46] <foks> in like 2005
[20:15:02] <KimiNewt> Well they had a new album like.. two? three? years ago
[20:15:28] <foks> four, yeah
[20:15:28] <KimiNewt> they also had a concert here in like 2009 which I kinda regret not going to because I'll probably never get another chance
[20:15:47] <KimiNewt> I really like em, and I was looking for similar stuff
[20:15:58] <KimiNewt> If only in lyrics/style rather than the type of.. "singing"
[20:16:12] <foks> "Formed a Band" is a gr8 song
[20:16:25] <KimiNewt> Actually not really on my top 5
[20:16:36] <foks> pretty much the only one I know so
[20:17:00] <KimiNewt> Oh.
[20:17:19] <KimiNewt> A lot of songs I like, can't decide on a favourite
[20:17:27] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[20:17:57] <KimiNewt> Only song I really liked off their new album is Ice Hockey though
[20:18:07] <KimiNewt>
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[20:32:10] <Irunongames> Question: When does the UK vote on staying in the EU?
[20:32:28] <{Soap}> is that an oiption?
[20:32:34] <{Soap}> they can just be like "see y'all" and leave?
[20:32:44] <{Soap}> i dont think itll happen though
[20:32:55] <{Soap}> you gotta admit the UK is just not #1 anymore
[20:33:03] <Irunongames> "GG I'm out"
[20:33:33] <{Soap}> i dont think the UK would prosper if it was outside the EU, it depends too much on the other countries
[20:33:48] <JohnFLewis> Irunongames: May 2017 I believe is the latest it will happen
[20:33:48] <{Soap}> unless 1000000000kg of oil is suddenly found '
[20:34:11] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:34:15] <Irunongames> {Soap}, I think they could survive it
[20:34:22] <Irunongames> not prosper, but survive
[20:34:24] <{Soap}> oh Im sure they could too
[20:34:33] <{Soap}> the question is, is it worth it?
[20:34:41] <{Soap}> would it actually, you know, *help* ?
[20:34:44] <Irunongames> JohnFLewis, cool cool cool thanks
[20:35:16] <JohnFLewis> {Soap}: gives us more control over aspects without European red tape and so
[20:35:27] * Rodelar (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Rodelar) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[20:35:37] <{Soap}> well OK
[20:35:38] * Rodelar_ is now known as Rodelar
[20:35:46] <{Soap}> so then Europe will have no english speakin countries
[20:35:49] <{Soap}> that would be weird
[20:36:03] <{Soap}> Germany could take over
[20:36:17] <KimiNewt> Will the British really vote to leave the EU?
[20:36:19] <KimiNewt> Seems insane to me
[20:36:21] <JohnFLewis> I swear Germany already took over
[20:36:26] <KimiNewt> What a bunch of pricks
[20:36:54] <KimiNewt> what will they gain by isolation?
[20:37:11] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[20:37:12] <JohnFLewis> KimiNewt: as I said, great political control
[20:37:16] <foks> Our referendum will almost certainly end up with about 75% "yes" to staying in the EU.
[20:37:17] <JohnFLewis> *greater
[20:37:18] <KimiNewt> Over what?
[20:37:23] <KimiNewt> They've already got their on currency
[20:37:33] <KimiNewt> That's good then, reaffirm the strength of the union
[20:37:35] * Rodelar ( Quit (Changing host)
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[20:37:43] <foks> It's only a loud minority that want to leave.
[20:37:55] <KimiNewt> Well, I guess I don't really have an educated on the matter
[20:38:00] <KimiNewt> despite being a citizen of the EU
[20:38:08] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[20:38:10] <JohnFLewis> foks: yeah probably
[20:38:27] <foks> personally I really hope that I'm right
[20:38:32] <KimiNewt> Would personally bum me out though
[20:38:34] <foks> we'd lose so much so needlessly
[20:38:35] <KimiNewt> Are there no polls?
[20:38:42] <KimiNewt> Or have they retired polls in the UK after the last fiasco
[20:38:47] <foks> there are thousands of poles
[20:38:55] <foks> hue hue hue
[20:38:56] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[20:38:58] <jubo2> KimiNewt: It will be wonderful: UK quits EU, Scotland quits UK, Scotland joins Eurozone in über-express coz they obviously need a currency. Sorted [✔].
[20:39:06] <foks> but no, the referendum is in like 2017
[20:39:16] <{Soap}> that woulkd be great
[20:39:34] <{Soap}> even though it doesnt affect me at all i would love to see an independent Scotland
[20:39:56] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:40:00] <{Soap}> Bordersd are just too solid nowadyas
[20:40:01] <jubo2> {Soap}: especially since they gonna save the world
[20:40:23] <jubo2> ... Scots
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[21:11:38] <MJ94> 3 RfAs at once.
[21:11:47] <MJ94> Not often I see that.
[21:12:00] <MJ94> ceradon: ohai ceradon!
[21:12:07] * FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
[21:12:11] <ceradon> ohai
[21:12:23] <MJ94> ceradon: how are you?
[21:12:46] <ceradon> Good, I suppose. Nervous.
[21:12:59] <{Soap}> hi ceradon
[21:13:04] <ceradon> hello
[21:13:19] <{Soap}> i remember i hid from this channel during my RFA
[21:13:38] <{Soap}> Good to see someone doing the oppposite
[21:13:52] <MJ94> I think that's what Cyber's doing :P
[21:15:58] <ceradon> I'm trying to work on some content, forget the RfA and listen to music.... It's not working.
[21:17:00] <{Soap}> yeah you cant just ignore an RFA lol. at least not for the first few days
[21:17:20] * chowbok ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[21:17:24] <{Soap}> youll get opposed for not answering questions
[21:17:55] * chowbok ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:18:01] <{Soap}> " iposted this question an entire hour ago, and the candidate is piddling away editing an actual article. i vote SUPER oppose"
[21:18:32] <ceradon> I'm checking every so often to see if any questions are going up.
[21:19:20] <MJ94> "Candidate has a life away from Wikipedia. Clearly not dedicated. Oppose and ban."
[21:20:04] <GorillaWarfare> Banning someone per consensus at RfA... that would be a new one :P
[21:21:19] * Rodelar ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[21:22:02] <MJ94> :P
[21:22:47] <MJ94> ceradon: what article are you editing?
[21:22:52] <MJ94> or content, rather
[21:23:03] <MJ94> basically, what are you doing? :P
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[21:34:48] <ceradon> Sorry MJ94
[21:34:58] <ceradon> Working on User:Ceradon/Vonnegut
[21:35:12] <ceradon> I want to get that to FA before the end of the summer
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[21:49:19] <MJ94> ceradon: how close are you?
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[21:53:23] <ceradon> Pfft, I don't know. Days, weeks. It has to go through a PR review which takes a couple week, then an FA review which takes about a month, so I probably could get it done, but I'll be cutting it pretty close to the end of summer.
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[21:54:29] <MJ94> I've never written Featured Content. I'd like to, but I'm not sure I'd be very good at it.
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[21:57:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its not hard
[21:57:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you keep working on it and toss it for review
[21:57:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and then fulfil their requests
[21:57:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> aiming fir GA before FA is recomended
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[21:58:55] <{Soap}> true. its only Bclass now
[22:00:42] <MJ94> Shouldn't Ceradon be working in the main article? What if people edit the real article? How will Ceradon transfer their edits...a history merge?
[22:00:58] <ceradon> Yup.
[22:01:06] <ceradon> A history merge.
[22:01:25] <ceradon> I usually work on articles in the userspace then transfer
[22:01:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I woould suggest woeking in main namespace
[22:01:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can find allies
[22:01:59] <ceradon> And, with that article, I'm collaborating with Wehwalt
[22:02:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and changes are more acceptable to toher people watching the page
[22:02:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sinc ethey can raise objections earlier
[22:02:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> colaborations are golden
[22:02:52] <ceradon> Well yes. I'm probably going to stop that after the Vonnegut article goes up.
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[22:26:03] <MJ94> ToAruShiroiNeko: Have you written featured content?
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[22:27:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> MJ94 yes
[22:27:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have created 3 featured lists
[22:27:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they were demoted over time though :/
[22:27:50] <MJ94> :(
[22:27:57] <MJ94> I am working on a FL
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[22:28:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> when I was working on them year was 2010
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[22:28:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not surprised they are demoted over time
[22:28:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> quality merely increased
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[22:38:48] <Sir_Designer__> tl;dr  so.  what is the latest on the Greeks?  Did it end up NO?  And by how much?
[22:43:45] <ceradon> Yup, a NO vote
[22:43:58] <ceradon> They're leaving the EU, I guess
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[22:44:49] <ceradon> 61.3% to 38.7%
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[22:47:31] <{Soap}> lol
[22:47:40] <Sir_Designer__> well, good luck to Greek negotiators.  I don't think Poles vs. Greeks are a hot love, but I think on the whole tthey will get along while tooling in the UK.
[22:48:25] <Sir_Designer__> of cours, speaking purely personally, I heart greek-welsh people immensely.
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[22:56:50] <{Soap}> yeah that diamond girl
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