
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday October 28, 2024
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1,886 bytes added ,  02:54, 3 April 2007
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For a much more detailed narrative of Cohen's story, please read the [ Phoenix New Times] article about her.
For a much more detailed narrative of Cohen's story, please read the [ Phoenix New Times] article about her.
== Interview with Don Barsellotti ==
Helena Keeffe is an [[Directory:Oakland, California|Oakland]], [[Directory:California|California]] artist who makes projects that serve as catalysts for social engagement. The following audio clip is a [2005] copyrighted interview interview of Don Barsellotti (owner of Elwood Body Works) as recorded and edited by Helena Keeffe; used with permission, only on this website; unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.  Source audio found at [ Keeffe's site].
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