
Update Google AdSense script with AdBrite template
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google_ad_client    = 'pub-4781341637005814';
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google_ad_height    = 60;
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google_color_link  = 'FFFFFF';
google_color_text  = 'AECCEB';
google_color_url    = 'AECCEB';
Line 59: Line 44:  
google_ad_client    = 'pub-4781341637005814';
google_ad_width    = 468;
google_ad_height    = 60;
google_ad_format    = '468x60_as';
google_ad_type      = 'text_image';//2006-12-28: Centiare Directory space
google_ad_channel  = '2388332058';
google_color_border = '6699CC';
google_color_bg    = '003366';
google_color_link  = 'FFFFFF';
google_color_text  = 'AECCEB';
google_color_url    = 'AECCEB';
Line 81: Line 51:  
5. '''Michael Minor''' - $10,000 <br>
5. '''Michael Minor''' - $10,000 <br>
There are lots of guys with the name "Michael Minor", but we're going to assume it's this one, until proven otherwise.  A leading creative and Internet marketing designer in the [[Directory:Chicago, Illinois|Chicago]] area. He has worked with large national advertising and design agencies such as Leo Burnett and Ogilvy.
There are lots of guys with the name "Michael Minor", but we're going to assume it's this one, until proven otherwise.  A leading creative and Internet marketing designer in the [[Directory:Chicago, Illinois|Chicago]] area. He has worked with large national advertising and design agencies such as Leo Burnett and Ogilvy.
''"Information should be free and accessible!"''
''"Information should be free and accessible!"''
Line 112: Line 82:  
google_ad_client    = 'pub-4781341637005814';
google_ad_width    = 468;
google_ad_height    = 60;
google_ad_format    = '468x60_as';
google_ad_type      = 'text_image';//2006-12-28: Centiare Directory space
google_ad_channel  = '2388332058';
google_color_border = '6699CC';
google_color_bg    = '003366';
google_color_link  = 'FFFFFF';
google_color_text  = 'AECCEB';
google_color_url    = 'AECCEB';
Line 175: Line 130:  
15. '''Alex Poon''' - $1,111 <br>
15. '''Alex Poon''' - $1,111 <br>
Poon (God bless that surname) is the co-founder (see, again, Jimbo -- it's easy to say "co-founder") of Bonfire Media.
Poon (God bless that surname) is the co-founder (see, again, Jimbo -- it's easy to say "co-founder") of Bonfire Media.
''"Go Wikipedia!"''<br>
''"Go Wikipedia!"''<br>
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18. '''Anonymous''' - $1,113.38 <br>
The first non-US-dollar donor, this anonymous contributor ponied up 750 Euros.  His or her crazy statement was something about erasing a debt and that the butterfly thanks Wikipedia.  In French:
''"Effacer une dette somme + cube a E.C le papillon Merci Wikipédia"''
19. '''Anonymous''' - $2,000 <br>
Another nameless donor.
20. '''Anonymous''' - $1,000 <br>
''"Wikipedia Rules!"''<br>
Dude, it also Totally Rocks!
21. '''Ruthann Harnisch''' - $1,000 <br>
After retiring from her journalism career (including a stint at [ WTVF]), she chaired the board of ''More Than Money'', a national nonprofit assisting top wealth-holders to put their money where their values are.  She may be the sexiest Grand Donor to the Wikimedia Foundation, ever.
''"With thanks to all who make Wikipedia possible"''
22. '''M. Amy Batchelor''' - $1,000 <br>
Co-founder of the Anchor Point Gift Fund in Boulder, [[Directory:Colorado|Colorado]], along with husband Bradley Feld, who is managing director of Mobius Venture Capital and author of "[ Feld Thoughts]".
23. '''Lawrence Lessig''' - $1,000 <br>
Best known as a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology applications.  He is Jimmy Wales' newest buddy as Wikipedia seeks to corrupt the GFDL license into something the Creative Commons license can tolerate.  Lessig is the founder of Creative Commons.  Lessig must think Jimbo is one big headache:
24. '''Anonymous''' - $1,000 <br>
Another nameless donor, hoping their grand doesn't go toward the Carolyn Doran Legal Fund.
25. '''Brooke Burgess''' - $4,000 <br>
Holy moley -- four grand!  We think that Burgess is a former video game producer, but for four grand, he must be wanting to advertise something besides his past career in video games, right? 
''"Ubermind, Inc."'' <br>
Ah, that explains it.  He's probably a part of the Ubermind consultancy now.
25. '''Vinod Khosla''' - $500,000 <br>
Half a million bucks.  Who would [ donate $500,000] to the WMF?  Vinod Khosla is described in the July/August 2008 issue of ''Fast Company'' as follows:
:*"...had no people sense..." "He would go through the factory floor and terrorize people and shut down the line.  There was Vinod's way and no other way.  It drove his cofounders crazy." (according to a former Sun Microsystems director)
:*The article continues, stating that when Khosla was promoted to Chairman, he boycotted four consecutive board meetings, "sitting resentfully alone in his office".  Then he was fired.
:*Another fellow director described Khosla as "massively intrusive".
:*Still another advised, "If Vinod's on the board, the CEO needs a senior vice president in charge of managing him."
''(Vinod Khosla at the Web 2.0 Conference 2005. *Credit: James Duncan Davidson/O'Reilly Media, Inc. *Source: For higher resulutions contact {{cc-by-2.0}} [[c)'' <br>