MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday February 08, 2025
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--- @classmod ProgrammableFn --- Creates an easily programmable function for testing purposes. -- Multiple behaviours can be defined. -- A behaviour consists of a set of arguments and a set of return values. -- If the function is called with these arguments it will return the programmed -- return values. local ValueMatcher = require 'Module:Lua-mock/ValueMatcher' local ProgrammableFn = {} ProgrammableFn.__index = ProgrammableFn local function behaviourReturnValues( behaviour ) local next = behaviour.nextReturnSet local returnSet = behaviour.returnSets[next] if next < #behaviour.returnSets then next = next + 1 else next = 1 end behaviour.nextReturnSet = next return table.unpack(returnSet) end function ProgrammableFn:__call( ... ) local behaviour = self:_findMatchingBehaviour({...}) if not behaviour then error('No matching behaviour for call.', 2) end return behaviourReturnValues(behaviour) end function ProgrammableFn:_findMatchingBehaviour( arguments ) for _,behaviour in ipairs(self.behaviours) do if ValueMatcher.matches(arguments, behaviour.arguments) then return behaviour end end return nil end --- Creates a new behaviour entry or extends to one. -- -- @param specification -- The specification is a table, that contains the arguments that must match to -- trigger this behaviour and the values that will be returned then. -- Both are optional and can be passed like this: -- `whenCalled{with={1,2}, thenReturn={3}}` function ProgrammableFn:whenCalled( specification ) local arguments = specification.with or {} local returnSet = specification.thenReturn or {} local behaviour = self:_findMatchingBehaviour(arguments) if behaviour then table.insert(behaviour.returnSets, returnSet) else behaviour = { arguments = arguments, returnSets = { returnSet }, nextReturnSet = 1 } table.insert(self.behaviours, behaviour) end return self end function ProgrammableFn:reset() self.behaviours = {} return self end return function() local self = { behaviours = {} } return setmetatable(self, ProgrammableFn) end