MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday February 06, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Module rating This module produces equivalent Serbo-Croatian Latin text from Cyrillic input.
This module exports two functions providing different outputs. Both functions require Template:Para argument for proper operation.
cyr2lat and lat2cyr
These function should be invoked the following way:
{{#invoke:lang-hbs|cyr2lat|text to be converted}} {{#invoke:lang-hbs|lat2cyr|text to be converted}}
It replaces all letters of Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet with corresponding Latin letters.
Note: per MOS:FOREIGN non-English words in Latin script should be italicized. cyr2lat
fuction leaves it to users.
This function should be invoked the following way:
{{#invoke:lang-hbs|concat|cyrillic=Cyrillic text|latin=Latin text}}
It replaces Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic with Latin and returns both Cyrillic and Latin text with latter being italicized. Either of Template:Para and Template:Para is sufficient.
- Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet includes letters "lj", "nj" and "dž", which, in addition to upper case ("LJ", "NJ" and "DŽ" respectively), also have "title case" ("Lj", "Nj" and "Dž"), which is used when only individual letters of the word are capitalized (eg. name "Љиљана" is spelled as "Ljiljana", not "LJiljana"). For performance and algorythmic complexity reasons this template always uses title case instead of upper case.
- Latin to Cyrillic transliteration works only with Unicode digraphs. Use Cyrillic to Latin transliteration if in doubt.
local p = {} -- Cyrillic to Latin substitution table local c2l = { ["а"] = "a", ["А"] = "A", ["б"] = "b", ["Б"] = "B", ["в"] = "v", ["В"] = "V", ["г"] = "g", ["Г"] = "G", ["д"] = "d", ["Д"] = "D", ["ђ"] = "đ", ["Ђ"] = "Đ", ["е"] = "e", ["E"] = "E", ["ж"] = "ž", ["Ж"] = "Ž", ["з"] = "z", ["З"] = "Z", ["и"] = "i", ["И"] = "I", ["ј"] = "j", ["Ј"] = "J", ["к"] = "k", ["К"] = "K", ["л"] = "l", ["Л"] = "L", ["љ"] = "lj", ["Љ"] = "Lj", ["м"] = "m", ["М"] = "M", ["н"] = "n", ["Н"] = "N", ["њ"] = "nj", ["Њ"] = "Nj", ["о"] = "o", ["О"] = "O", ["п"] = "p", ["П"] = "P", ["р"] = "r", ["Р"] = "R", ["с"] = "s", ["С"] = "S", ["т"] = "t", ["Т"] = "T", ["ћ"] = "ć", ["Ћ"] = "Ć", ["у"] = "u", ["У"] = "U", ["ф"] = "f", ["Ф"] = "F", ["х"] = "h", ["Х"] = "H", ["ц"] = "c", ["Ц"] = "C", ["ч"] = "č", ["Ч"] = "Č", ["џ"] = "dž", ["Џ"] = "Dž", ["ш"] = "š", ["Ш"] = "Š" } -- Latin to Cyrillic substitution table local l2c = { ["a"] = "а", ["A"] = "А", ["b"] = "б", ["B"] = "Б", ["v"] = "в", ["V"] = "В", ["g"] = "г", ["G"] = "Г", ["d"] = "д", ["D"] = "Д", ["đ"] = "ђ", ["Đ"] = "Ђ", ["e"] = "е", ["E"] = "E", ["ž"] = "ж", ["Ž"] = "Ж", ["z"] = "з", ["Z"] = "З", ["i"] = "и", ["I"] = "И", ["j"] = "ј", ["J"] = "Ј", ["k"] = "к", ["K"] = "К", ["l"] = "л", ["L"] = "Л", ["lj"] = "љ", ["Lj"] = "Љ", ["LJ"] = "Љ", ["m"] = "м", ["M"] = "М", ["n"] = "н", ["N"] = "Н", ["nj"] = "њ", ["Nj"] = "Њ", ["NJ"] = "Њ", ["o"] = "о", ["O"] = "О", ["p"] = "п", ["P"] = "П", ["r"] = "р", ["R"] = "Р", ["s"] = "с", ["S"] = "С", ["t"] = "т", ["T"] = "Т", ["ć"] = "ћ", ["Ć"] = "Ћ", ["u"] = "у", ["U"] = "У", ["f"] = "ф", ["F"] = "Ф", ["h"] = "х", ["H"] = "Х", ["c"] = "ц", ["C"] = "Ц", ["č"] = "ч", ["Č"] = "Ч", ["dž"] = "џ", ["Dž"] = "Џ", ["DŽ"] = "Џ", ["š"] = "ш", ["Š"] = "Ш" } function _cyr2lat(str) local lat = mw.ustring.gsub(str, "%a", c2l) return lat end function _lat2cyr(str) local cyr = mw.ustring.gsub(str, "%a", l2c) return cyr end function p.cyr2lat(frame) return _cyr2lat(frame.args[1]) end function p.lat2cyr(frame) return _lat2cyr(frame.args[1]) end function p.convert(frame) local lat = frame.args.latin local cyr = frame.args.cyrillic if not cyr then if lat then cyr = _lat2cyr(lat) else error("Neither Latin nor Cyrillic text is included", 0) end elseif not lat then lat = _cyr2lat(cyr) end return mw.ustring.format("\'\'%s\'\', %s", lat, cyr) end return p