Module:Adjacent stations/convert
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday February 07, 2025
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local p = {} function p.adjacent(frame) local args = frame.args local code = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], '^%s*{{(.*)}}%s*$', '%1'), '%s*}}%s*{{%s*') local system local group = 0 local delete = { ['s-rail'] = true, ['s-rail-next'] = true, ['s-rail-national'] = true, ['s-start'] = true, ['s-rail-start'] = true, ['start'] = true, ['s-end'] = true, ['end'] = true } local order = { 'line', 'left', 'right', 'to-left', 'to-right', 'oneway-left', 'oneway-right', 'through-left', 'through-right', 'reverse', 'reverse-left', 'reverse-right', 'note-left', 'note-mid', 'note-right', 'transfer' -- circular: use module subpage -- state: not implemented } local replace = { ['previous'] = 'left', ['next'] = 'right', ['type'] = 'to-left', ['type2'] = 'to-right', ['branch'] = 'type', ['note'] = 'note-left', ['notemid'] = 'note-mid', ['note2'] = 'note-right', ['oneway1'] = 'oneway-left', ['oneway2'] = 'oneway-right', ['through1'] = 'through-left', ['through2'] = 'through-right' } local remove_rows = {} local data = {} for i, v in ipairs(code) do code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '\n', ' ') local template = mw.ustring.lower(mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.match(code[i], '^[^|]+'))) code[i] = mw.ustring.match(code[i], '(|.+)$') if template == 's-line' then data[i] = {} local this_system = mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.match(code[i], '|%s*system%s*=([^|]+)')) code[i] = mw.text.split(code[i], '%s*|%s*') for i1, v1 in ipairs(code[i]) do local tmp = mw.text.split(v1, '%s*=%s*') if tmp[3] then tmp[2] = mw.ustring.gsub(v1, '^.-%s*=', '') end tmp[1] = replace[tmp[1]] or tmp[1] if tmp[2] then -- checks for matching brackets local curly = select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "{", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "}", "")) local square = select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "%[", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "%]", "")) if not (curly == 0 and square == 0) then local count = mw.clone(i1)+1 while not (curly == 0 and square == 0) do tmp[2] = tmp[2]..'|'..code[i][count] curly = curly+select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "{", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "}", "")) square = square+select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "%[", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "%]", "")) code[i][count] = '' count = count+1 end end data[i][tmp[1]] = tmp[2] end end if (this_system ~= system) or (not system) then system = this_system data[i]['system'] = system else data[i]['system'] = nil end local last = data[i-1] or data[i-2] or data[i-3] if last then for k1, v1 in pairs({ ['hide1'] = {'left', 'to-left', 'note-left', 'oneway-left'}, ['hide2'] = {'right', 'to-right', 'note-right', 'oneway-right'}, ['hidemid'] = {'type', 'note-mid'} }) do if data[i][k1] then for k2, v2 in ipairs(v1) do if not data[i][v2] then data[i][v2] = last[v2] end end end end end code[i] = {} local X = '|' local Y = (i+group)..'=' if data[i]['system'] then table.insert(code[i], '|system') table.insert(code[i], Y) table.insert(code[i], data[i]['system']) table.insert(code[i], '\n') end for i1, v1 in ipairs(order) do if data[i][v2] then table.insert(code[i], X) table.insert(code[i], v2) table.insert(code[i], Y) table.insert(code[i], data[i][v2]) end end code[i] = table.concat(code[i]) elseif template == 's-note' then code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*text%s*=', '|header'..i+group..'=') code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*wide%s*=[^|]*', '') elseif template == 's-text' then code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*text%s*=', '|note-row'..i+group..'=') elseif delete[template] then code[i] = '' table.insert(remove_rows, 1, i) -- at the start, so that the rows are deleted in reverse order group = group-1 end end for i, v in ipairs(remove_rows) do table.remove(code, v) end code = table.concat(code, '\n') local t = {'{{Adjacent stations', '\n}}'} system = mw.ustring.match(code, '|system(%d*)=') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '\n\n+', '\n') if tonumber(system) > 1 then -- If s-line isn't the first template then the system will have to be moved to the top system = mw.ustring.match(code, '|system%d*=([^|]*[^|\n])') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|system%d*=[^|]*', '') code = '\n|system1='..system..code elseif not mw.ustring.match(code, '^[^{%[]*|[^=|]+2=') then -- If there's only one parameter group then there's no need to have line breaks code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '\n', '') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '(|[^=|]+)1=', '%1=') t[2] = '}}' if not mw.ustring.match(code, '[%[{]') then code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=$', '') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*$', '') end end if not mw.ustring.match(code, '[%[{]') then code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=|', '|') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*|', '|') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=\n', '\n') code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*\n', '\n') end return t[1]..code..t[2] end return p