Peter Zuvela

Peter Zuvela is a Photographer-Artist from Fremantle, Australia. Peter teaches Digital Photography workshops from his studio located at the J Shed building on Bathers Beach in Fremantle.
Peter Zuvela exhibited for the 2012 FotoFreo Fringe Festival.
Peter also exhibited for the 2010 FotoFreo Fringe Festival. The exhibition was held at Greg James Sculpture Studio. The FotoFreo Fringe Festival was part of Foto Freo, which ran from 21 March to 18 April 2010.
Peter Zuvela teaches photography courses and provides photographic services. Info link
- Web site:
- Email:
Foto Freo 2012
ARTIST’S STATEMENT: Peter Zuvela’s work expresses a search for the histories and stories of his ancestors. His poignant and moving images portray a stillness and nostalgia for a lost past. His personal journey to find family origins on the Croatian Island of Korcula, led to this series of works. They are a collection of images called “Searching for the Ancestors” The exhibition was part of "FotoFreo 2012 Open Exhibition Programme" and was held at Kidogo Art House.
Fremantle Photography Courses

Peter Zuvela (Advanced Diploma of Photography) conducts short courses in Digital photography from his studio at the J Shed building on Bathers Beach. [1]
He also runs:
- Fremantle photography history tours (Alfonso Calero photography tours)
- Individual tuition in digital photography
Alfonso Calero Fremantle Photography Tours
Professional Photographer teaching you Digital Photography on a 3 hour tour through Fremantle areas in Australia (any type of digital camera is suitable).
- Where: Fremantle (Perth)
- Where and when:
Saturdays (check schedule for availability) at 1:30 pm in front of Fremantle's Old Town Hall on William Street. The tour can be for locals or tourists. The tour + course is designed for all levels of photography regardless on the type of digital camera. It is about learning how to spot the shot, watch the light, placing close attention to detail and composing the images.
FotoFreo Fringe Festival 2010: Loss & Unrealised Dreams
Through the eye of the camera, trapped memories and dreams are captured in the decaying peeling paint, the muted colours of a deserted house and soft autumn light streaming through windows and doors. Images depict everyday objects now abandoned as the family fractured and moved away leaving a virtual museum of life frozen in time. This dislocation and relocation, a common migrant experience, is poignantly represented by a series of beautiful images produced during a recent return visit by Peter to his family’s ancestral home, now deserted and empty of human life.
Peter is the son of Croatian Immigrants who travelled as a young couple to Fremantle, Australia in the early 1960’s from the island of Korcula (Dalmatia). After building a home, a successful business and a family of three children, his parents decided to return to the island. All of the adult children over time returned to Australia leaving their parent’s homeland. This dislocation and relocation, a common migrant experience, is poignantly represented by a series of beautiful images produced during a recent return visit by Peter to his family’s ancestral home, now deserted and empty of human life.
Wet a photographic exhibition
Wet a photographic exhibition featured Peter Zuvela, Roger Garwood, John Austin, Adam Monk, Tanya Vanderzwan, Nancy Wilkinson, Janet Nixon, Rae Starr + Chris Dunham (September-October 2011).

See also
- Fremantle Photography Courses
- Peter Zuvela Photo Gallery
- Peter Zuvela and Fremantle Images
- Foto J Shed
- Bathers Beach Arts - Fremantle (the original)
- Australia
- Zuvela Surname
- Korcula Dialect
Out in the Open
Greg James Sculpture Studio Gallery and Photographer Peter Zuvela, presented, Out in the Open, a photography exhibition, featuring the work of six local photographers: Tanya Vanderzwan, Ed Herne, Laurie Cochrane, Paul Kent, Katia Ishimaru and Martijn M. Truijens.
The opening night was Saturday the 5th of May from 5pm to 7pm.
External links
- Peter Zuvela-Web Site
- Peter Zuvela-Instagram Site
- Peter Zuvela-Facebook Page
- Fremantle-J Shed Google Map
Photography photography teaching Fremantle teaching photographic services Fremantle J Shed Greg James Sculpture Studio Australia Western Australia Australia Fremantle Western Australia Photography